
The needed information

I ended up not going to the diner for a few days, instead, I stayed with Edward, helping him with his control some more.

Thankfully, a week and a half after I had sent the letter to my bank in England, my personal journal arrived here in New York at my New York Bank.

Getting the journal was as simple as placing a call on a private line to the bank's president, asking for it to be delivered.

And delivered it was, in an armored truck and ten of Gringotts guards.

To say it was a bit of a shock for the residents of the building we lived on would be less than accurate.

Opening the front door, Esme knew immediately who they were there for.

Coming to the door after she had called for me, I myself was surprised to see the long hallway filled with men in black suits and purple ties.

"Uhm…Hi." I said, looking at all the faces.

Stepping forward, a very familiar face came into my view.

It was none other than Rosalie's father.

"Good afternoon, sir." He said, bowing his head slightly, a respectful tone in his voice, with a splash of reverence.

"I am Joseph Hale. The bank's head accountant. I have been tasked in bringing you a package as well as a letter." He said, lifting a briefcase that was literally shackled to his right wrist.

I looked at the cuffs, raising a brow at the spectacle.

"very well." I said, nodding my head.

Turning to another man, Joseph nodded his head.

Taking a key from around his neck, the man handed it over to Joseph.

Unlocking the case, Joseph very carefully pulled out a large package wrapped in cardboard paper and tied together with twine.

Placed between the twine and the package was a thick Letter.

Gently taking the package, I looked at the letter, unable to place the hand writing.

Looking back up at Mr. Hale and the rest of the men behind him, I didn't know what to do, so I just went with my gut reaction.

"Thank you all for giving me this 'Very' important package. I will be sure to tell your bosses how well this was delivered." I said with a wide smile, before closing the door slowly.

Locking the door, I looked down at the package.

"What is that, Adam?" Esme asked, standing just off to my side.

Not wanting her to become too curious about the package, I looked up at her and smiled.

"Just some old papers I want to go over. Nothing too important." I said, slipping the envelope out from under the twine knot.

Putting the wrapped journal under my arm, I ripped the seal open, pulling out the pristine paper from within.

'Bank head of England. Jeffrey Montgomery Grimsby.

To Mister Gottes.

I have securely sent the item which was locked within your Vault on the lowest level of our bank.

The item has not been opened or tampered with, as I supervised its securement myself, as well as packaging.

The package was also shipped under the protection of three guards and the bank's vice president on one of the bank's own cargo ships.

Your ever loyal servant, Jeffrey Montgomery Grmsby.'

I re-folded the letter quickly, shoving it back into the envelope.

'Certainly One way to end a message.' I thought, shaking my head.

Closing my room's door behind me, I set the package on the desk I had placed in my room, before pulling out the chair and sitting.

Untying the knot, I pulled the cardboard paper off to reveal the worn out cover of the journal.

The cover was made from deer hyde, and had clearly seen better days.

Deep scarring covered it with numerous stains of age.

Slowly opening the front, the sound of popping came from it, quite a few flakes falling onto my desk.

The pages were a dark yellowish color, and were as dry as bark.

It didn't take me long to realize that this journal was on the brink of turning into a pile of dust in my hands.

So with extra care, I slowly started to turn the pages, passing pages of businesses I could invest in, certain historical moments I remembered at the time, and much more.

Making it to the last quarter of the journal, I started to get into the twilight characters.

Each page held their names, discretions, and anything I knew about their background and how or why they were changed.

Flipping through the pages, I finally made it to the one I sought.

'Rosalie Hale. Known for her striking beauty, which is often described as ethereal and captivating.

Rosalie has long, golden-blonde hair, a statuesque figure, and is often compared to a goddess in her appearance.

Despite her stunning looks, Rosalie has a complex personality.

She is fiercely protective of her family and has a strong sense of pride. Rosalie initially struggles with her vampire nature and her longing for a human life, particularly the desire to be a mother. Throughout the series, she shows a mix of strength, vulnerability, and loyalty.

Her backstory involves a tragic history of being turned into a vampire against her will, which contributes to her characteristics.

Rosalie Hale died in the early 1930s. (Exact date Unknown)

She was attacked and assaulted by a group of men, leaving her in a near-death state.

In her dying moments, she was found by Carlisle Cullen, who was drawn to her by the smell of her blood.

He decided to transform her into a vampire to save her life.

This traumatic experience greatly influenced her and shaped her feelings about humanity, motherhood, and her vampire existence. Rosalie's transformation allowed her to survive, but it also left her with a strong resentment toward her vampire nature and a longing for the human experiences she lost, particularly the ability to have children.'

'Shit.' I thought, slowly sitting back in my chair, the creaking wood filling my room.

"Hey, Adam," Carlisle's voice said through my door. "I'm going shopping. Would you like to join?" He asked.

Turning my head, I looked at my locked door.

"Uh. Yeah, that sounds good to me. I could use some fresh air myself." I said, sitting forward in my chair, Gently closing the journal before putting it In my suitcase and locking it.

Sliding the suitcase back under my bed, I stood up, checking my clothes.

I was currently wearing dark blue jeans and a black woolen V-neck sweater, with no shirt underneath.

Unusual for the time, yes, but too comfortable for me to really care what people thought.

Putting on my first-Gen Chuck Taylor Converse, I opened the door.

I found Carlisle, talking to Esme in the living room, seeing if there was anything he needed to pick up while out.

Stopping, I turned and walked to Edward's room, tapping a few times on his door.

"Yes?" I heard Edward ask from within.

Opening his door, I leaned my head into his room.

Edward was sitting in his leather chair, a book in hand.

"Me and Carlisle are heading out for a little while. Is there anything you need while we are out?" I asked, making sure to include him in our lives so we wouldn't start acting too much like an outcast then he already tends to do.

Edward shook his head, bringing his book back up to continue reading.

"I'm well, thank you." He said.

I looked at the title of the book.

'A farewell to arms.'

I decided I would leave him to his sad book.

So, giving him a small smile, I closed his door and made my way back down the hallway.

Where I saw Carlisle talking to Esme.

"Ready to go?" I asked, getting their attention.

"Ah, yes." Carlisle said, giving Esme a quick kiss before heading towards the door.

Next chapter