
you know where I'll be & Dinner

"Look, Edward." I said as a gust of wind ruffled our coats while bringing the sounds and smells of the city with it.

"You can take my words as you want. But, if you want to keep talking and learn why I'm even here trying to help you, you know where Carlisle, Esme, and I will be." I said, disappearing before Edward's eyes, landing back into the alleyway.

Re-adjusting the hat on my head, then my coat, I walked out of the alley way and back into the slowly dwindling crowds of late-night goers.

As I walked, I had to dodge couples out on dates and drunks stumbling along.

"Look out, buddy!" A checkered taxi yelled as a drunk stumbled into the road.

Blocking all of the sound out, I thought back on the talk I just had with Edward.

My original plan was to let him come back naturally on his own.

But to find out he was a part of my adopted family…I just couldn't.

At first, it wasn't that big of a problem to me, but as I called Julius and had him check into it, I found a rather startling detail.

The Grey family name was nearly gone.

And apparently, it has been for some time now. Which was an oversight on my part, but was also unavoidable.

Disease, accidents, and marriage split the family up greatly.

At this point, there was just an old gentleman by the name of Beltran Grey, who still carried it that was related to Gérard or Oliver.

And from what I heard from Julius, the man never had children due to an accident in his younger years and was now 80 years old and running on fumes.

That wasn't to say that there weren't still any living members of the family, just very distant relations with different last names.

As I walked, I spotted a cozy looking brick restaurant squished between two larger clothing stores.

Figuring I could use a bite to eat, I headed in.

The atmosphere inside was warm, filled with conversation, light laughter, and clouds of smoke.

Seeing an empty table, I took a seat.

Taking my hat off, I sat it in the corner of the table while I waited for one of the waitresses to notice me.

As I did so, I dug around one of my jacket pockets, pulling out a silver engraved cigarette holder and a fancy flick lighter.

I didn't start smoking for the nicotine, but instead to fit in better with my surroundings, like now.

I myself couldn't get that nicotine high or whatever smokers got out of smoking, I also didn't get any of the downsides either, so it wasn't that big of a deal for me.

Tapping the cigarette a few times on the silver holder, I stuck it between my lips and started to light the end when a woman stepped up to my table.

"Good evening sir, what can I get you?" she asked.

At the moment, all I was able to see was her lower half as I lit the end of the cigarette. Looking up, I saw a pretty young woman, perhaps in her very early twenties.

She wore a dark navy blue knee-length dress with a matching blouse.

It was of simple design, but she seemed to make it look elegant.

She had black hair tied in a long braid that went down her back and large light blue eyes.

"What's the special here?" I asked, stumbling over my words before taking a drag of the cigarette, embarrassed.

"Steak and potatoes." She said, giving me a coy smile.

"I'll take that then." I said, smiling back politely, or tried to, but I think I just looked like a buffoon.

"Sure thing." She said with a chuckle.

"And what would you like to drink?"

I pondered that for a moment.

Water was out of the question, I don't know about you, but rusty pipe wasn't a favorite flavor of mine, so I went with the safe option.

"Whatever you have on tap will be fine."

Giving me another smile and a small wink, the young woman turned and headed back through the crowded room.

Talk about a view.

Looking over, I saw a newspaper lying forgotten on the table next to mine.

Grabbing it, I kicked back and started to read through it as I waited for my food to come out.

As well as an attempt to get my mind off the waitress.

What can I say? It's been a while since I spent the night with a woman.

The news was dry, and didn't have anything that really drew my attention, which was good.

By the time my food came out, I was halfway through the comic strips that filled the last pages of the newspaper.

Setting down the paper, I watched as the young woman sat the steaming plate in front of me.

"here you are, sir." She said before walking away…not even giving me another glance.

The view was amazing, but so was the smell of my food.

For a place like this, their food was pretty good.

It wasn't until I was halfway done with my food that I realized I also had a large mug of a dark ale sitting by my plate.

I drank half before I continued with my food.

Letting out a burp, I leaned back in my chair, taking out a milk dud pack from my pocket for dessert.

"You know we sell sweets, right." the familiar voice of my waitress said, startling me from my after meal bliss.

I looked up at her.

"But do you sell milk duds?" I asked, raising the box and shaking it.

She put a hand on her hip and looked down at me.

And Oh-My-Goodness, was she pretty.

A few of her hairs had come undone from her braid and hung down over her forehead, giving her a charming tousled look.

"No, we don't have those." Then she gave me a smile. "We have something even better."

I sat forward in my chair, a bewildered look on my face.

"I'm sorry, miss. But I just can't see anything ever beating a milk dud." I said, shaking my head, popping another one in my mouth.

The truth was that, in my opinion, milk duds were a mid-tier candy. They just so happened to be the first thing I grabbed from my pocket.

I just wanted to try and start a conversation.

She gave me a dazzling smile.

"I think I can change your mind about that." she said, turning and walking back to the front bar area.

Seeming to put a little extra sway in her steps.

A moment later, she came back with what looked like a piece of pie.

'Oh no…my kryptonite.' I thought as she set this plate in front of me.

Steam rose up from the dish.

'Fuck!' I thought, stopping myself from licking my lips.

I looked up at her.

"You were right."

"About what?" she asked with a knowing grin.

"You did have something that could change my mind."


Sorry everyone for being MIA.

I went out of country at the beginning of the month to visit some family for my birthday.

Also, please let me know what you think of the chapter.

Feedback is always welcome, and I'm still learning how to start a romance that feels natural, so please let me know.


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