
A Constitution

Fixing the problem with Eleazer was actually pretty simple, really.

I figured since Aro has become so paranoid, he won't want to leave the center of his power, where hundreds of vampires surround him.

So I had Eleazer give me his signet ring.

The ring was large and made of pure gold, with a large jewel on top and a black V over it.

With a simple written letter, I put the ring in a box.

The letter was simple.

"Try again, Aro, and I'll kill you…Adam."

I also had Eleazer write a letter for his mate, Carmen.

Both my and his letters would be sent via one of my ships.

But neither of the letters would be sent at the same time.

Instead, the letter to Carmen would be sent first.

For one, we really didn't want her to think her mate actually died because she could end up ending her life.

Which wasn't a very good outcome.

Instead, Her letter held details of how she would disappear into the night.

Of course, that's after a note is left behind telling whoever found it that she sensed the death of her love and how she can no longer go on.

From there, she would make her way to my Gringotts bank in Rome, where she would then be put on a ship almost immediately and sent here to the colonies.

It was simplistic and easy.

Which I have found normally works the best.

Too many plans in history have failed because they trip and fall over the details.

My hope is Aro won't want to find out exactly where Carmen went, but instead, will be too worried about me coming for him to send vampires out to follow her.

Even if he did and had her scent followed to Gringotts, he isn't stupid enough to make any move against the bank for one vampire.

Simply because the banks were mine and he knew it.

Of course, it would probably just make him even more paranoid, but I didn't care.

It took two months to get word back that the plan worked smoothly, with the arrival of Eleazers mate Carmen.

In those two months, Carlisle had become the main teacher to Eleazer in the training of restraint.

And to his credit, he had taken to it like a fish to water.

I believe it was so easy for him to change to that of animal blood so easily because he had already decided in his mind that he was tired of all the killing of innocent people.

While all of that was happening, I was neck deep in paperwork.

Which was fine by me.

Because unlike the previous history, America was actually holding their own…sort of.

Thanks to the secret shipment of supplies my ships were bringing in for the continental army, they were well stocked with the needed clothes, guns, powder, and food.

The issue was the fact that most of the people willing to fight were farmers and your everyday guys, not soldiers.

Of course, those farmers and regular people could be trained. The issue was that the British were practically doing a rolling human slash calvary blitzkrieg.

Fast coordinated attacks that caused mass confusion while dividing forces, making it impossible for troops to be trained to a good enough standard to fight the British.

And with the British now circling New York City, it seemed the Continental Army would still need to fall back to grow and train their forces.

I didn't know what I expected when I decided to partake in the sneak attack with Washington over the Delaware River.

Oh wait, I'll tell you.

It was of George Washington standing stoically at the tip of the row boat with the American flag fluttering just behind him as the sun was just rising over the horizon…Yeah it was nothing like that.

In reality, it was pitch black, freezing cold, and wet.

Luckily, though, I was in the same boat as George, and we had a good long talk about strategy while everyone else rowed.

I didn't partake in the battle, as much as I might have wanted to.

But currently, I'm playing the part of a rich Congressman, not a soldier.

The only reason I'm actually here was because I'm the one that convinced George to actually go through with this hair brain plan.

As I strode without a care in the world around, I watched as the startled Hessians quickly started to fight back against our overwhelming forces.

The battle was relatively quick, and by the end of the day, we had 900 Hessians as prisoners.

Slowly, time seemed to start creeping by again.

With my life taking on a routine of its own.


It is finally done.

Our new country now has a constitution.

And boy, is this one different than the one from my old life.

For one, there is now wayyy more in here to avoid some big issues later on.

I mostly focused on adding safeguards against corruption since other Congressmen were adding laws for equal rights for people of other ethnicities, religions, or gender. (For native Americans as well.)

My most important addition was an Emolument Clause that could not be contested.

Emoluments Clause refers to any form of compensation or advantage from foreign or domestic entities.

I wasn't sure if there was one in my old history, but even if there was one, mine was certainly different.

The purpose of including this Emoluments Clause in the Constitution is to prevent conflicts of interest and potential corruption among government officials, particularly congress members and even the president.

The Emoluments Clause aims to ensure that public officials act in the best interest of the country rather than being influenced by foreign governments or individuals seeking to gain favor through gifts, payments, or benefits including from Lobbyists or charity's.

The inclusion of an Emoluments Clause in the Constitution is important because it establishes a clear standard of conduct for government officials, providing a framework that prevents conflicts of interest and potential corruption.

It helps to ensure that public officials prioritize the interests of the American people rather than personal gain.

In essence, the Emoluments Clause is designed to uphold the principles of good governance, maintain the public's trust in government, and protect the integrity of the democratic process by preventing the undue influence of foreign or domestic entities on public officials.

Now, having all of that is good and all, but I know very well politicians can be some sneaky bastards.

I didn't even need to try and remember what politicians were like before I came here.

Because even in this day and age, some of the Congressmen that were a part of the Congress at the moment were big on the whole 'behind the curtain' dealings.

I'm sure that's why they didn't like me when I got the Emolument Clause added.

Which I couldn't have cared less about.

But to piss them off even more, I got a new agency created.

Normally, this wouldn't have been something that could have been done so easily, but I carried a lot of support in the benches.

Meaning I got a majority vote.

So, IEC was born.

Otherwise known as the Independent Ethics Commission.

IEC was a public agency that was tasked with the oversight of government officials.

Now, when I was creating it, I had to come up with a metric ton of ideas with just foresight, as this was all new and had never been done before.

My main focus was on how to keep it from becoming corrupt itself, and how to keep it independent.

For starters, I started with how they would be funded.

I did that by opening a 'Fund'.

Doing so allowed me to dump about 50 million in US currency every year from Gringotts Banks into it, to fund IEC.

Of course, others can add to this fund for tax deductions like a charity.

Making IEC a self-supporting public agency.

Next was, 'who in the hell was going to run this ship'.

Since I could appoint the first director of IEC, I figured I would go with a person I knew and trusted wouldn't be corrupted.

So naturally, I went with a retired bank head.

Mister Schmidt himself.

Now, in his mid sixties, the man was more than happy to take up the challenge.

I had him bring in trusted people who wouldn't be swayed by money or influence with him.

And that's exactly what he did.

He brought in other members of the 'circle' to become some of the other founding members, who would start the hiring process for other employees.

Which would be a long and rigorous process on its own.

Now, as to what IEC would be doing.

Its role is to ensure that officials adhere to ethical standards and uphold the principles of integrity and transparency in their actions.

By doing the following.

Code of Conduct Enforcement: The Ethics Commission would enforce a code of conduct specifically designed for governmental officials. It investigates any alleged violations of ethical standards by these officials, whether it be conflicts of interest, misuse of public resources, or other unethical behavior. The commission would conduct thorough inquiries, gather evidence, and take appropriate actions, such as issuing warnings, imposing fines, or recommending disciplinary measures.

Financial Disclosure: The Ethics Commission would require governmental officials to disclose their financial interests, assets, and liabilities. This disclosure would help identify potential conflicts of interest and ensure transparency in their dealings. The commission would review these disclosures and investigate any discrepancies or potential violations.

Training and Education: The Ethics Commission would provide training and educational programs to governmental officials to enhance their understanding of ethical principles and their application in public service. This would include workshops, seminars, and courses to promote awareness of ethical standards, prevent misconduct, and encourage ethical decision-making.

Whistleblower Protection: The Ethics Commission will establish mechanisms to protect and encourage whistleblowers to come forward and report any unethical or corrupt practices within the government. It would ensure the confidentiality of whistleblowers and provide legal safeguards against retaliation.

Compliance Monitoring: The Ethics Commission will monitor the compliance of governmental officials with ethical standards on an ongoing basis. This could involve regular audits, reviews of financial transactions, and performance evaluations to identify any patterns of unethical behavior or potential violations.

Advice and Guidance: The Ethics Commission would offer advice and guidance to governmental officials on ethical matters. Officials could consult the commission for clarifications on potential ethical dilemmas and receive guidance on how to navigate complex situations in an ethical manner.

Public Transparency: The Ethics Commission would provide regular reports to the public on its activities, investigations, and findings related to governmental officials. This would help build public trust, hold officials accountable, and ensure transparency in the oversight process.

Legal Protection and Immunity: Any commission members would be granted legal protection and immunity from political interference or retribution for carrying out their duties diligently and impartially. This protection ensures that they can operate without fear of reprisals or pressure from powerful individuals or entities.

Overall, the independent ethics commission plays a crucial role in promoting and enforcing ethical standards, fostering a culture of integrity, and ensuring accountability within the government. It would act as a safeguard against corruption, conflicts of interest, and other unethical practices, ultimately contributing to the trust and confidence of the public in their government.


Well, there you have it, folks.

That's the end of the MCs involvement in politics.

I'm just going to say that I have no F'n clue about politics.

So, sorry I didn't go into too much depth about that.

I will probably do some flashbacks or have moments later on that will show certain events the MC was a part of also.

And since there will be no American Civil War, I'm going to have it that the American Mexican War happened when the Civil War was supposed to happen instead of before the civil war.

Also, if you have any additions that could worl comment and let me know and I might just add it to the story.

Because like I said, I know nothing about any of this.

My knowledge about all of this reaches as far as I went in resurch for this chapter and that's it.

[If your interested, please check out some of my other story's.]

I have three other fanfictioms.

Watchman of the God's (Ragnarok)

Unexpected path (Marvel)

A New world (Cyberpunk 2077)

Next chapter