

[POV Carlisle///1640]

I managed to escape, but the others were not so lucky.

I ran lost in the deep underground sewers that were littered under the streets of London.

But the fire that radiated through my body from the bite had become too much for my body to handle and I passed out.

I don't know how long I had slept for, but when I woke, I felt completely different.

I was able to lift myself from the ground, as if I weighed as much as a feather.

The once pitch blackness of the sewers was now like a shadowed room.

Not bright, but nor was it dark.

Instead it was a light gray color that allowed me to see farther than I believed I ever could have before.

But overshadowing all of that was the smell.

The putrid smells that bombarded me, made me want to heave, and want out of this place as soon as possible.

It didn't take me long to find an exit.

Coming out, I was greeted by the large half moon that shone its light down upon me.

I took in a large lung full of air, then released it.

That's when the memories of why I had found myself in such a peraless situation hit me.

Scrabbling for my coller, I felt for where I had been bitten.

But there was nothing but dried scum from my venture of the sewers.

A weight was dropped from my shoulders as I guessed I had only been nicked, or it had been my imagination.

Closing my eyes, I dropped a hand to my chest, and thought of a prayer to the lord for my protection.

But as I placed my hand over my heart, I felt…nothing.

Slowly opening my eyes, I checked again by shoving a hand up my tunic to feel again.

But like before there was nothing.

Also, there was something wrong with my skin.

Instead of the warm soft flesh I once had, I now felt a cold ruff texture, that felt like slightly hardened skin.

But unbeknownst to myself, as I was lost in my panicked thoughts.

A drunk man carrying a bottle in hand, had started to stumble down the alley where I had found my exit.

The drunkard stumbled to the side, hitting the wall.

But as he tried to stop himself, he used the hand with the bottle. The man cut his hand as the bottle burst under his exorbitant weight.

Sending my brain into a frenzy, as the soft wind blew the scent of his blood in my direction.

I could barely hold myself together, and keep myself back from what my body instinctively wanted me to do.

Using one of my hands, I covered my nose and mouth, as a liquid that tasted different then my saliva filled my mouth, making the thought of blood filling my mouth a better idea, then the bitter saliva.

Taking a step away, I watched as streams of blood flowed freely down the man's hand and forearm, as he cursed a storm my father would have disapproved of greatly.

My eyes seemed to be stuck on the crimson droplets as they fell to the ground in slow motion.

'I must leave, I mustn't become one of those demons.'I thought, before I used all of my force to turn away from the hurt drunk man.

As I turned I started to run, to get away from the smell and sight of blood, as I felt my self control slipping away from me.

But as I ran, everything around me blurred, as I found myself at the other end of the long alley, before I even knew what had happened.

But again as I came to the end of the alley, I was met with more night goers, who were out and about to enjoy the late night drinking at the many pubs that scattered London.

'Their smell, it's so…' I cut myself off as I felt myself think of the smells I was finding so delicious.

Biting down on my lip, I forced myself to put my head down, as I tried to get away without running and drawing more attention from those who passed me as I was already getting from them.

It was like agony, as thoughts filled my head of murdering everyone I passed, to quench the thirst that was becoming worse by every second.

But I would rather die, then kill an innocent Person for my own needs.

It seemed an eternity before I finally managed to leave the city itself, and be gone from that hell that wanted me to sin, the most terrible of sins, murder.

Now gone from the city, I started to run again, without a destination or plan in mind, other than to save those who were in danger of myself.

for an untold distance I ran, until I finally came to a halt.

'What have I become!' I thought as I fell to my knees.

A well of fear and anger filled my heart as I thought of the Demon I had become.

Something my father had committed his life to eradicating.

Streams of a light white liquid fell down my cheeks as I looked up at the moon that seemed to hand right above my head.

"Why, why have I been so forsaken, to become such as I have." I whispered to the moon, hoping God could give me an answer for this.

But there was nothing.

Closing my eyes, I dug my hands into the soft earth, as I grieved.

But as I wallowed in my self pity, my ears picked up the sound of horse hooves in the distance.

My eyes snapped open, as the sound came to me.

And finally filled with grief and anger.

I let myself be overtaken, and let my instincts take over.

In a blur of motion, I shot away and headed towards the sound of a horse, which always ment person.

I sat in the back of my mind as I watched my body run towards the sound.

Dodging trees and brush, I was like a wolf on the hunt for its prey.

But as I came out of the tree, I managed to get a look at the young man who was seated atop the horse.

He looked no older than a boy of sixteen years.

With fine black hair in a ponytail, and fine clothes.

And a sickness clutched at my soul as I thought of cutting this young man's life so short.

In an instant, I regained control of myself for only a moment, as I changed my direction from the boy to the dark brown horse he rode.


I know this one is short, but I'm posting a regular sized chapter tomorrow.


There's a bit of a backstory for you about Carlisle.

I wrote this on break so I can go back and re-read it yet, so if there are any issues with it please let me know.


Next chapter