

(Please read the message at the bottom of the story)

But something needed to be done before I could go for the cloaked figure. I needed to take care of these werewolves.

At the moment I was blocking one attack after another, and I had no idea how strong the cloaked figure might be. And by any chance the cloaked figure is an actual opponent that could cause me damage. The last thing I needed to do was concentrate on dodging pot shots from the werewolves, while dodging blows from an actual threat.

And pulse, if all the cloaked figure was doing, is dancing, he wasn't my problem at the moment.

So deciding to just let the cloaked figure do his thing, I decided to deal with the werewolves first.

By this point, I had already taken out around two hundred werewolves, with a littleover one thousand still coming for me.

Moving with a graceful speed, I zoomed through the hoard, cutting off heads and limbs with precision.

Every now and then, I would shoot off an aura wave, turning the closest werewolves into mush, while sending these farther out werewolves back and into each other.

All the while I twirled my glowing sword around in a magnificent light show, cutting werewolves into pieces.

Dodging a ferocious swipe from a werewolf, I grabbed its outstretched arm, and kicked its chest, ripping the arm off in a spray of crimson blood that covered me, but I was already drenched from head to toe in blood so it made no difference.

Using the arm, I threw it at another werewolf that was going for a lunge.

The limb hit the beast on the face, redirecting its trajectory away from me, while I stepped to the side, chopping its head off.

'I cant keep this up.' I thought, as more and more werewolves continued to come at me.

Unlike the battle against the Romanian coven, where I had jane, Julius, along with a few hundred other vampires to help deal with them, I was now taking on about the same number of beasts that are just as strong as the newborns we fought, all by myself, which is causing me to run out of steam, and quickly. Even though I had gotten stronger since that battle, I hadn't gotten strong enough to take on these odds.

Looking inside myself, I mentally looked at the amount of aura I still had inside.

'Not bad' I thought, as I felt the amount of energy that I still had.

'I guess we might as well go all out' I thought as I chuckled.

Continuing to swing my sword at the oncoming werewolves, I opened my free hand, and let an aura ball appear.

Starting out small, the aura ball grew and grew, until I had no more aura energy to give it.

The aura ball was nearly three times the size of a basketball, and was shining like a small sun in my hand. But what really shocked me, is what the orb started to do.

As it grew in size the aura started to darken in color.

By the time I was out of energy to give, the orb was a deep indigo, but still managing to shine brightly.

'Holy fuck' I thought, as I looked down at the blinding purple light.

Never before had I pushed this much energy into an aura ball before, and in all honesty it frightened me a bit.

An aura ball the size of a baseball could do some serious damage, and what I was about to release could be catastrophic.

But I didn't have much of a choice at the moment, so I decided I wanted it to do as much damage as possible.

If I was to just point it in one direction, all of its damage would be in that one direction instead of all around me.

'But what about down?' I thought.

If I was to aim it at the ground, that would cause a massive explosion that might actually work.

Either way, I needed to get rid of this thing soon, because the longer I hold it, the harder it got to keep the orb stable.

Thinking fast, I spotted a werewolf jumping over one of its companions and towards me. The beast managed to get about six feet off the ground, when I jumped up, using its head as an extra boost as I shot into the air.

With my strength and speed, I managed to get a little under one hundred feet up, before I twisted my body midair, so I was upside down.

Glancing down, I saw all of the werewolves looking up at me, but all I could do was let out a mad chuckle, as I spotted the still dancing figure.

'Two birds one stone' I thought, as I released the orb from my hand, shooting it down to earth like a blazing meteorite, right at the cloaked figure's head.

The orb shot away like a missile, as I watched.

It flew for less than a second,before it hit paydirt.

And In a flash of bright light, the orb exploded, and a lot of shit happened really fast.


[John/Henry POV] (3rd person)

Sitting by the small campfire, Henry staired mindlessly into the relaxing flickering of the warm fire.

As he sat on watch, he held the still sheathed knife that was given to him only a few hours before.

'I can't wait to get home. With how much we are going to get paid for only a few years of travel, I'm going to be set for life. Maybe I can buy old man Harold's tavern, and marry his daughter.' Henry thought with a small chuckle, as he delved deeper into his imagination.

Off to one side of the fire, was John, who was snoring away happily in his own dream of riches and coin, while he clutched the sword tightly to his chest, as if it was his lover.

While on the other side, slept the two children, who hadn't woken or moved since Adams departure.

And as always, the unnamed horse munched away at some grass, as it was tied to a tree close to the cart.

As Henry dreamed away in his head, he missed the far off sounds of explosion that rang out.

But what he, along with everyone in the camp, horse included, didn't miss, was the sound of a massive explosion.

Standing to his feet, Henry ignored John, as he screamed and sat upright, while pulling at the sword, trying to unsheath it, but having no luck.

"By god, what is that?" John said, as he looked in all directions.

"I don't know." Henry said, as he turned to look around, when something caught his eye.

To his left, far off in the distance in the sky, a light orange hue could be seen.

"John, look" Henry said, as he pointed at the distant light that could be seen through the thick forest trees.

Standing to his feet, John walked over to stand next to Henry.

"Isnt…isnt that the direction Adam went?" John asked, as he turned to look at Henry.

"Uhh, I believe it is."Henry said, without looking away from the fading light.

But before either of them could say anything else, a small voice spoke from behind them.

Both startled, John and Henry turned around, ready for a brawl.

But what met them was the two small children.

The older of the two Gerard stood in front of his smaller brother Oliver who was peeking from behind his brother.

"Oh…hello," John said, giving them a small wave.

Both of them looked at him, not understanding his words, but getting the gesture.

Raising his hand, Gerard waved back.

"Ah, see, they can understand us." John said with a chuckle.

"No you dolt, Adam said they can't speak english."

"Well he must be wrong."

Looking at the two, John spoke.

"You can understand me can't you?"

But like before, both of them stared blankly at them.

"I told you," Henry said with a chuckle.

"Shut it" John said, annoyed.


Well, I'm moved in, and have everything set up, so I am back in business and back to writing.


This chapter has a boat load of issues I'm sure, but there will only be one more chapter of this, because I'm really starting to struggle through this arc, and want it over as soon as possible, so I can finally get to the actual story.

With the crusades, I'm going to do a lot of skipping around, and will probably only have one chapter for it, because all I need it for, is to really carve Adam into history.

Of course there will be the occasional time where the MC will be in some interesting places during important times in history, especially soon, with more interesting times on the way.

Like Shakespeare, Issac Newton, de Vinci, and a ton more.

Oh and a little shout out for my other fic.

[New beginnings in marvel.]

You should totally check it out and let me know what you think.

Next chapter