
my bad

[The MC's power isn't going to be the regular aura manipulation, if I gave him full aura abilities he would be way to OP so his powers won't be too insane.

1-there isn't going to be different colored aura abilities he can use, just the one type of energy.

2-he will run out of aura energy. The way I imagine it is when he was bitten and the venom got into his body the power aspect of the vampire venom wasn't able to be taken out of the MCs blood, and it genetically changed the MCs cells to be able to consume aura energy through his skin, where it is then stored in the MCs cells until they are full, but when he uses the energy he will need to wait for it to refill. He will have a lot of energy but if he does constant shock waves he will run out of aura energy.

3-he won't be able to fly or boost his own strength or speed, he is already insanely fast and strong, if I give him the ability to boost all of that he will be too OP.


Running at full speed through the town, I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face.

Never before had I felt more alive then at the moment, not at the fact that I just beat the ever living shit out of the volturi heads, but it was just a feeling that ran through me like that feeling you get as a kid when it's a few days from a holiday or your birthday, like i was over flowing with a weird type of energy.

As I ran, I opened my interface and played some feel good tunes.

Scrolling through my own playlist I settled on Blame from a band called BB cooper.

At this point I was reaching the end of the town, so with a smile on my face and good music blasting in my head, I ran full out, the feeling of air rushing past my ears and through my hair felt magical.

As I ran, I noticed the purple glow had appeared again, causing me to come to a complete stop as I looked down at myself.

'I'm glowing' I thought as I looked down at a light purple hue that seemed to radiate from me.

'It's the same glow as when I was in the volturi's throne room.' I thought as I watched the purple hue.

Remembering the Shockwaves I produced, I stuck one of my hands out, and mentally will the energy out of my palm.

And promptly got launched off my feet as a massive wave of purple left my hand.

It launched me 20 feet backwards and straight into a tree.

The "crack..boom" of me hitting the tree could probably be heard from miles away.

The impact broke a few parts of my spine, along with some of my ribs, as the tree morphed and broke, at my impact.

Slowly sitting up I let out a groan, while I felt the pops and cracks, all over my body as the broken bones healed themselves back together.

Finally after a minute to reorient myself, I looked at the carnage the shock wave produced.

In front of me, what was once thick forest, was now what looked to me like a war zone.

With trees uprooted and Fallin for 100 feet in front of me and 15 feet wide, I couldn't help but look at it all stunned.

"My bad" I said in astonishment.

Then bringing my hands up to my face, I looked at the same hands I have seen millions of times before, but unlike before, now they seemed so much more deadlier.

Standing back up to my feet, I decided not to try a shock wave again, and instead to try and control the energy.

So like before I put out my right hand and willed the energy to slowly creep from my palm, and before my eyes, a small ball of purple slowly crept out.

But unlike the orb Julius fist made to make his mind shield, this orb looked unstable and like choppy rippling water.

Not wanting it to get too unstable and blow me up, I willed the orb tighter, and on mental command, the orb shrunk down and into what looked like a purple see through bowling ball.

'Wow' I said, in excitement.

Thinking of what I should do now, I pondered on this orb's utility.

Then remembering something I read in a book, I thought, 'maybe I can make it into a weapon?'.

I had my sword but I didn't fully trust it, it was a metal, and all It would take is one nick of the bald and me not noticing and swing and hit a vampire for it to break.

Which kinda hurt to think about.

I learned black smithing for years to make one blade and now to think of it as a faulty object hurts.

So concentrating, I imagined a short sword.

Slowly the orb morphed and straightened itself out, into something that resembled a short sword.

That is if short swords were a see through glowing purple.

Moving my hand forward I grabbed the handle of the sword and weighed it in my hand.

'I can't even feel the weight.' I thought as I swung the sword.

Looking around I saw a felled tree, so moving over to the remaining stump, I swung the sword into it.


"What the hell?" I said out loud to myself.

The aura sword didn't do anything to the stump but scratch a piece of bark.

Looking at the blade I saw that the edge was rounded instead of sharp like a normal sword.

'Oh, I just thought of a sword, not a sharp sword'

Concentrating I willed the edge to be sharp instead of rounded.

And slowly I watched as the edge tapered to a sharp edge.

With a smile of success on my face I tried again.

"Crack, Bunk"

This time the sword managed to cut into the wood about an inch.

"Hmm, I thought it would be better." I said as I looked at the aura sword.

As I was looking at the sword it started to flicker and waver.

But before I could will it to be stable again, the sword evaporated from my grip.

'What the hell' I thought as I watched it deteriorate.

Confused at what just happened I tried to will back the sword but couldn't.

Closing my eyes, and concentrating on the image of a short sword again, I tried one more time.

But again got nothing.

Breathing hard I wondered, 'maybe I can only use so much at once?'

Looking over at the forest I accidentally destroyed I mumbled, "probably used up all the energy on that blast."

But needing to get back to Julius and Jane, I moved in the direction I told them to meet me at.

Running through the woods again, my brain was running rampant with different ideas of how I could use my new ability.

After a few more minutes of running, I came to the old abandoned campsite we used for our regrouping area.

Looking around I couldn't see any signs of Jane or Julius.

Just when I was about to start looking I heard a "creak" from above me.

Looking up, I saw Jane and Julius sitting on a tree branch a few dozen feet above me, in the thick tree limbs of a tree.

"Oh, lookie there, if it isn't two love birds sitting in a tree." I said jokingly to them.

The face Jane made, made it clear that if she had blood, it would have been a blush.

"Hey old man, don't be petty that we can actually find love, while you stick to one night stands with a different woman every time." Julius shot back.

"You know, to some that could be considered quite the accomplishment and not the slur of character you intend it to be." I said back with a chuckle.

Stepping out of the way, I watched as Jane and Julius dropped down from the tree branches, and back down to earth.

Standing up from his crouche, Julius was the first to speak.

"So what happened, why did you go back?"

Like I said, I needed to remind aro of something I told him about many years ago.

"And that would be?" Julius pressed.

"That if you mess with me, I'll really make you regret it."

"And what of my brother?" Jane asked, as she stepped to the side of Julius.

I let out a small sigh, and looked her in the eyes.

"Jane…I'm sorry but your brother is gone."

I watched for any emotion on her face or any sign she might attack me out of anger.

But nothing, she did nothing, didn't make a move, or was there a single twitch of her face to show her emotions, just a blank mask.

So I continued.

"When she gets in your head, and she changes you, it can't be fixed. Even if I killed her, he would stay the same, and if I somehow got her to fix him, the damage done to his brain, well…it wouldn't be pretty."

All the while Jane stayed silent, and listened to my words.

But once I was done speaking, Jane finally did.

"In the volturi's throne room, you said he was already dead, is that true?"

I nodded my head.

"Yes, did you see his eyes?" I asked Jane.

She nodded her head.

"So you saw how they were glassed over, lifeless." Again she nodded.

"Those aren't the eyes of the living, they are the eyes of the dead, no emotion, no feelings, just nothing."

We fell silent at my words.

"Can you promise me something?" Jane asked softly.

"Of course," I said.

"After this fight with the Romanian coven, kill him."

"Your brother?" I asked.

"Yes, kill him, because I know he would rather be dead then be some puppet for those people" she said with anger in her voice.

I nodded my head.

"I can do that"

Even as my brain ran through the problem of me killing Alec would bring me with the volturi.

But I had a feeling after what I did to them today, they wouldn't have much of a problem.


Kinda had to rush this one so please let me know if there are any issues.

And heads up, the next chapter will be coming tomorrow.

The first half will have the MC exploring his powers a bit more, and the second half will start the journey to war.

So the chapter after the fight will begin, and we can finally move on with the story.

[ And by the way, thank you all for the support you have given me, if it wasn't for all of you I would have stopped writing a long time ago, because it has been a real challenge to write this with my busy life, so from the bottom of my heart I thank you.]



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