
lost in thought

Sitting by my small campfire, I watched as Julius and Jane exchanged blows in their fast paced fight. The both of them moving faster than any human eye would be able to follow. But my eyes didn't miss a thing, from any wasted motion, or mistaken foot placement, my eyes could see it perfectly.

As I watched, my mind started to drift.

It had only been a month since we turned Jane into a vampire, and let me tell you, "holy shit". The girl was a firecracker, with some serious anger issues, mostly towards humans, and the volturi. Human because of the fact that her village almost burned her and her brother to death for the simple fact that they thought they were witches.

'I know, how medieval of them.'

But to be fair, witches and demons were a real fear in our current time, causing people to do some pretty stupid stuff while in a state of mass hysteria.

Second, she hated the volturi for leaving her to die, and taking her only living family.

And I didn't even need to try and persuade her into hating them.

She hated them for the fact that they left her behind when they had the chance to save her as well.

Allowing me to mold her into a better person, and to add wood to her fire of hatred she had for the volturi.

Even though she still had some serious issues with humans, I try my best to show her the best in humanity.

Even though our current time isn't the best era to try and show someone the good in humanity.

I mean if I was to go to any village or city the odds of finding a starving person on the side of the road begging for scraps, was very high, oh and just finding a dead body on the side of the road was also high…so yeah, not the best time.

And the fact that England was in constant wars with itself, with self proclaimed kings, I think 7 in total, who massed army's, to go to war with each other on a yearly basis as proclaimed kings chosen by God, causing the death of thousands of people every year, which also didn't help.


But I was working on it, because even in the worst of times, there is still good, at the moment Christianity was starting to grow in England, slowly becoming the biggest religion in England, causing people to become more caring to the less fortunate, but only slightly.

Just then Julius landed a hard kick to Jane's chest, rocketing her back, where she hit a tree, causing chunks of wood to break from the tree.

Clapping my hands together I say.

"Nice hit Julius, go check on her, I think we've had enough for today, once she's up, take her hunting."

Julius nods his head at me, then zooms to where Jane landed, and is now slowly sitting up.

As Julius helped her to her feet, they began to talk, I ignored their conversation, and delivered back into my mind as I waited for them to come back from their hunt.

Something new that also happened, was that Jane and Julius became almost inseparable, they were constantly in each other's company, either talking, reading or just enjoying each other's company.

Which I guess is good.

I'm just happy that they were taking it slow.

Because I knew from that first day when they were locked in each other's eyes, that they were destined to become each other's mate.

I had a few conversations with Julius about his feelings towards Jane, and all It ended up doing was making him blush and avoid the question, I didn't even know vampires could blush. But just the way they talked or looked at each other told me their feelings for each other quite clearly.

The only guess I could come up with for why they weren't already together was because of the fact that Jane was still trying to get used to her new life as a vampire.

And knowing Julius and his compassionate side, I knew he was willing to wait forever for Jane.

Often when seeing them together would send my heart to aching for the lack of love I felt.

Of course me and Julius care for each other like brothers, and that helped numb the longing I felt, but it could only do so for so long.

But something told me, "just a little longer".

It was like a voice in the back of my head, that would whisper those words, whenever the feeling would bear it's head.

Helping me manage the feeling.

Pushing that train of thought to the back of my mind, before I got consumed by it.

I started to think about my next move.

Now that the volturi had Jane's brother Alec, they should be ready to finally fight the Romanian coven, with Alec's abilities and the army of vampires with abilities under the volturi's control, they would be getting ready to fight, the only thing keeping them from doing so now, was that they still needed to train Alec in fighting as a vampire and how to use his abilities.

Just like what I was doing for Jane.

Something I found out about Jane was her affinity for combat, which surprised me.

In the movie, she only relied on her mental ability to cause extreme pain to others, but from what she has shown in her fights with Julius was that she could fight, and fight well.

Of course she still couldn't beat me or Julius yet, but she was getting better every day that her and Julius fought.

In her training I had given Julius the lead, allowing him to train her in most aspects, from fighting to self control lessons.

With me watching from the side to give him instructions on what he could do better, or what he should teach her first.

Me doing this also caused Jane to underestimate me.

In the first week, Jane thought it was a good idea to challenge me to a fight.

I can't blame her for her confidence, which she seemed to lack none of, causing her to be overconfident.

To her I was just a human with certain abilities like my ability to run as fast as a vampire.

Which at the time was the only ability she had seen me do when I went with her the first time she went hunting, but she also saw my need for human food, as well as sleep, and she could hear my beating heart, causing her to think I would be an easy opponent, that could just run fast.

I guess the idea of a human with abilities wasn't that outlandish, in a world where vampires exist as well as the shapeshifters.

To her great dismay, it only took me two moves to nearly kill her.

Which also surprised me.

All I did was kick her in her side, causing her to go flying, then unconsciously, I chased after her, catching her mid air then throwing her to the ground.

My kick and my unconscious actions nearly broke Jane into Pieces, surprising me and Julius.

Never before had I done something I didn't consciously do, as well as the power I had put behind my kick and throw was stronger than I even thought I was capable of doing.

But I also remembered that I was getting stronger the longer I lived. And the last time it was obvious was almost 500 years ago.

By my guess I was a little over two times stronger than a regular vampire, maybe as strong as three vampires.

Making it hard for myself to train with Julius.

It was no longer a challenge to fight him, because now he seemed to move slower to me, allowing me more openings to hit.

Switching subjects in my mind, I thought of Jane's powers.

It didn't take long for Jane to use her powers for the first time.

It was actually on the first day of being a vampire that she used her powers.

It was by accident, when she was telling us the story that led to her and her brother being burned alive at the stake, and the pain she felt.

When she said the word "pain" and the memory of the pain she felt ran through her mind, she was looking right at Julius, and the pain hit him hard, dropping him to the ground, writhing in pain, the feeling of being burned alive washed over him.

It answered a question I had, and that was that she had the same powers that she had in the movies.

For the next week we tested her powers, on a few really bad guys me and Julius kidnapped to be our own little test mice.

We never killed them but by the time we were done, they were nothing more than shells of their previous selves.

It might not have been the most ethical thing to do, but we took the worst of the worst that me and Julius could find, which made it easier when we made them live through a mental attack that felt like you were burning alive.

It was also a way to help Jane deal with the anger she felt towards humans.

But if me and Julius weren't there to keep her from killing them, every last one of them would have been torn to pieces, Because of her pure blood lust she still had when around normal humans and just her pure hate she currently had for humans.

Something we found out is that Jane's power doesn't work on me.

My guess is that any abilities that are supposed to mess with my mind won't work on me, just like when the volturi tried to make me loyal to them by using mind manipulation that one of aro's vampires can do.

Any mental ability that might mess or interfere with the computer chip that was embedded in my brain, by an alien civilization that travels different multiverses wouldn't work.

The chip blocks any interference from mental intrusions.

Like Jane's mental fire. Or any abilities that mess with the mind.

And it should also be able to block Jane's brother's ability.

Which should be some sort of sensory illusion.

Where he can take away all of your senses, like touch, smell, vision, and hearing.

Making you a perfect target to attack.

Just then I could hear the fast footsteps of Jane and Julius returning for their hunt.

Looking up from the fire, I had been staring in while lost in thought.

I saw the both of them joking with each other, and for the first time since I had met her, Jane had a smile on her face instead of the cold look she tended to have.

The both of them walked side by side to the small fire I was sitting at, where they stopped and looked at me.

"Are you ready to go or what?" Julius asked me.

I looked up at him.

"Not yet." I said, as I used a stick to move some of the burning logs around in the fire.

Not looking up at them I say.

"The both of you should take a seat, I need to talk to the both of you."

Looking at each other Julius just shrugs and takes a seat on the other side of the fire from me, Jane following a second later.

I didn't say anything for a moment and continued to stare into the fire.

After a few more moments, I look up at the both of them and say.

"I think it's almost time that the both of you come with me to meet the volturi."


1,974 words

Longest chapter so far, let me know what you thought of it, and if there are any issues please leave a comment and let me know.

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