

Year 700

"I don't get it, I really don't get it," Julius said, as he sat on a tree branch of my large beech tree that was next to my home.

Looking up I said.

"And what did you expect, that you would walk outside and the first person you saw was the one,"

"Of course, I didn't, but fifty years," he said, crossing his arms.

"Julius I have been on this earth for thousands of years, and I still haven't found a partner, there's a difference between you and me, and regular humans. We live forever, and if we pick a partner, they are the ones that we will spend the rest of eternity with, that's a very big decision." I yell up at him.

The memories of all his failed, attempted courtings ran through my brain.

The failed attempts and the blunder he made in his quest for love.

But Julius quickly found that any woman that "fell in love" with him, didn't actually fall in love with him, but instead, they fell in love with the way he looked, with his perfect face and hair, his golden eyes adding to people's fascination and attraction.

Thankfully next year we have a planned trip to visit some small covens I knew about and hopefully find his mate there.

"Now will you come inside, and stop being Mister Emo for at least one day?"

"What is an Emo," Julius asked, looking down at me.

"uhh… it's a person in constant sorrow or a person that acts like it to court Women." I say, trying to put it into words he would understand.

"Do you think that would work?" he asked, still looking down at me.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"it only works on the crazy ones, so… kind of."

Julius thought about that for a minute, before shrugging his shoulders and leaped off the branch he was sitting on.

Julius landed next to me, and we started walking back to my home.

As we walked I saw a man running full speed towards my home.

Stopping in front of my home, I waited for the man to reach me.

The young man of around 20 stopped in front of me and bent over panting. After a moment, he caught enough of his breath and finally spoke.

"Sir, I have a message for you from Mister Thrak," he said, still trying to catch his breath.

Thrak was the man currently in charge of the main bank in Londinium. He was hand-picked by his predecessor and approved by me.

"What is the message?" I asked in a hurry.

The only time they would send me a message would be if something was really wrong, normally, if there was a problem Julius would be the one to deal with it, not that I made him do it but that he genuinely enjoyed the whole thing.

"strange men in red and black cloaks were seen getting off a ship, Mister thrak, told me you wanted to be told if men that wore them were ever seen."

I nodded at him, "Yes thank you." I said dismissing him with the toss of a gold coin.

Turning I open the door to my home and rush inside.

"red and black cloaks, is it the Volturi?" Julius asked, following me inside.

"More than likely," I said, grabbing my sword, and strapping it to my waist.

"what would they want here, there is nothing here but the Gringotts bank."

"yes, but they aren't here for that, if anything they are here for me."

Julius had never met any of the Volturi, and only a handful of vampires.

But he knew about them because of the trips I take every few years to check in with the Volturi.

"Why would they come for you?" Julius asked, confused.

"Who knows? They are led by a man with some serious mental issues, so it could be anything." I say grabbing my own cloak and putting it on.

After getting everything I would need, me and Julius run full speed to the city.

At full speed, it only took us ten minutes to reach the outskirts of the city.

And another 15 minutes to figure out that they were already out of the city.

Going to Gringotts I found thrak in his office.

Sitting down in a chair by his desk I asked.

"so, some people in black and red cloaks were seen."

"Yes sir, they were seen leaving a ship this morning. I had over a dozen people tell me about them, how they "were the most beautiful people any of them had ever seen". And knowing that you wanted to know if anyone of such discrimination was to show up, to notify you immediately"

"Yes, that is true," I said leaning back in the wooden chair.

"And what direction were they last seen?" I asked.

"They were last seen going north, just leaving the city."

"How many were in the group?" Julius asked.

"I believe they said 9 of them" I looked over to Julius.

"It seems they are not here for me."

Julius raised an eyebrow.

"Then what are they here for?"

"I don't know, but that worries me more."

Quickly leaving Gringotts we head north, in the hopes of catching up with them.

Running north at full speed. I stretched out my senses, staying alert for any signs of an ambush.

We ran for almost an hour before we ran into a small open field.

In the middle of the field was a small village. With wooden Huts and a muddy road that went right down the middle.

(I'm going to change a bit of the Twilight history here. So the reason Jane and her brother were burned at the stake was because the people of their village thought they were witches because the people that were mean or bad towards their family had overly bad luck, but those close to the family had good luck, and that jane and her brother were outcast among the village, what I'm changing here is that Aro only takes the male because jane didn't show any talents as a human, but her brother bad showed abilities for reading people.)

But one thing stuck out in the village, and that was the smoke that just started to billow high into the sky.

Looking at where the smoke was coming from, I saw two large stakes in the ground surrounded by pieces of wood.

But what really grabbed my attention was the boy and girl tied to the stakes.

My heart dropped, this must be Jane and her brother Alec.

As I watched I saw on the outer rim of the mob of villagers was the Volturi.

They stood there as the flames began to lick at Jane and Alec's feet.

Their screams sent a shiver down my spine.

I have seen death more than anyone alive, but that doesn't mean I like to watch others die horrible deaths.

As I was having that thought, the Volturi moved.

In a group, they moved forward, pushing the villagers to the side.

but something strange happened.

They only went toward Alec, leaving Jane to continue screaming as the flames rose higher.

"Julius, get that girl out of there," I order him as we run full speed towards the fires.

Julius lifted his hands and lifted the stake and Jane out of the fire.

Stopping by her side I tear the bindings holding Jane to the stake.

Thankfully she was already unconscious, half of her lower body was already burned to a terrible state.

Looking over I saw the villagers running away back to the village while screaming.

Standing among the fleeing people stood Aro, Rock still he stood and stared at Julius, his eyes glinting, as if he found a new toy to add to his collection of rare artifacts.

And just past Aro, I saw one of the Volturi members lean down over Alec and bite into his neck.

Looking back at Kias, I saw he was now looking at me.

"How strange" I heard him whisper.

Without another word, and before I could do anything, Aro and the rest of the Volturi members picked up Alec and started running at full speed away from me.

I was about to chase after them and free Alec from the Volturi when I heard Julius call my name.

"Adam, I need your help," he said as he looked down at the badly burned legs of Jane.

I stalled for only a moment before I went to Julius.

Jogging over I crouched down, and checked on Jane.

"Why didn't they help her as well?" I thought.

"Is this world different from the movie or did I change the course of this history?" I thought as I looked at the burns.

I could help her with the burns and keep the infection away but she wouldn't be able to walk again. The tendons and muscles took too much damage for me to fix.

But that's not what I wanted.

Jane's ability was too strong to go to waste.

Looking up to Julius I say.

"Only you can save her now Julius."


If there are any problems with the chapter please let me know.

I wrote this one half asleep and extremely tired so please leave a comment if you find anything.

Thank you.

From a very tired -BEAN-.

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