
Chapter 705 – The Corrosive Dust

Sadly, Nick was no longer responsible for the cities.


He really wanted to change this city, but as a member of Aegis, he sometimes had missions that were more important than the fate of a singular city.


Repairing the city would take over a year, and Nick would need to expose his identity if he wanted to make the change stick.


Sure, the terrorism in Water Pillar City changed it, but it definitely wasn't certain that the change would stick.


Nick could metaphorically clean a house, but in order for the house to stay clean, the tenant needed to upkeep the level of cleanliness Nick had established.


It might not be as hard as cleaning an atrocious house, but it still wasn't easy.


People chasing after power were not known to be the most selfless people, and selfless people often didn't have enough power since they were generally not chasing after power.



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