
Chapter 615 – Questions

Nick looked at the person, who wasn't chaotically flailing around.


She was a woman who seemed to be in her early 20s, but that didn't say much.


According to the Zephyx, Nick could feel that she was in the earlier stages of the Veteran level.


She could also be 50 while still looking this young.


Yet, despite just being freed from a gigantic Snake Specter's belly, she still had something that Nick didn't.




"I just want to ask you a couple of questions," Nick said carefully after he noticed the woman's horrified expression.


Not surprising at all, Nick's words didn't help in calming the Extractor down.


"I'm scared," she said after a bit.


"I can see that, but as I've said, I just want some answers to a couple of questions, and you can go," Nick said with an uncertain tone.


'Why did she say that she was scared? Seems pointless.'


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