
Chapter 239: Decision

The conference room was magnificent, vast, with intricately carved pillars and unique spatial arrangements, all accentuating the dignity and authority of H'el seated in the main position. It was a structure crafted by the Three-Body humans to welcome H'el, the largest and most collectively built palace in human history.

'Humans of this Earth consider themselves tyrants,' H'el thought to himself as he leaned in his seat, elbow resting on the armrest, fingers supporting his cheek. His gaze, disdainful, made the humans of Three-Body Earth extremely nervous as they proceeded with their routine reports.

For the overall human population, the conquest by New Krypton was beneficial. At least Three-Body Earth was liberated from the invasion of the Trisolarans Civilization, and the Trisolarans dared not covet Earth again, even fearing retaliation from New Krypton.

Other societal issues like stratification, wealth disparity, and human wars were easily resolved. Some who refused to cooperate were dealt with, mostly high-ranking politicians who couldn't accept being treated as ordinary people, losing all privileges and distinctions. They had once incited many ordinary people to resist but failed to spark any significant resistance.

Eventually, they demonstrated their capabilities and joined the larger New Krypton family.

As for those harboring secret ambitions to overthrow New Krypton, there was no point in entertaining such fantasies.

In twenty years of New Krypton's rule on Three-Body Earth, as the new generation of humans grew up, no one would long for the era of warring states on on this Earth.

New Krypton was their future.

"Above are the various projects completed and ongoing by the human race on Earth over the past decade," Cheng Xin, with her classical demeanor, dressed in the dignified attire of New Krypton, presented the report succinctly but significantly. She felt somewhat uneasy, fearing that the human efforts might not be enough to appease the Emperor before her.

H'el nodded without much concern.

He was not a tyrant. As long as things progressed steadily according to his plans, establishing a stable and harmonious New Krypton was all he desired.

He wasn't in a hurry about the affairs on Three-Body Earth because there was plenty of time in the future to develop the Three-Body Universe into his logistical base.

Besides, the Three-Body Universe wasn't urgent. If a conflict arose, the god-tier civilizations in the Three-Body Universe probably had the ability to destroy this universe, so H'el wouldn't stand a chance against them.

The Three-Body Universe was far from safe. It would be a war of astronomical proportions.

"What's happening with the Trisolarans?" H'el asked calmly, supporting his cheek with his hand.

Previously, he had issued orders to gently integrate the Trisolaran Civilization into New Krypton, making them part of New Krypton.

But after ten years, he had not seen any signs of the Trisolarans people shedding their resistance.

Christine, the head of the New Krypton Earth Diplomatic Department, stood up with a remorseful expression on her friendly face and apologized to H'el.

"Your Majesty, it's my negligence. The Trisolarans is very resistant to integrating into New Krypton," Christine said, feeling ashamed.

She had followed H'el's instructions and had not overly pressured the Trisolarans. Instead, she had attempted to express New Krypton's goodwill and willingness to accept them through the Trisolarans' previous sophon communications, despite the four light-year distance.

However, the Three-Body Civilization was in the process of abandoning Earth due to the discovery that humans were not transparent in their thoughts.

Since the Trisolarans communicated via brain waves, with extremely fast communication speeds and no privacy or secrets between individuals, their society was a utopian collective dictatorship. Their culture lacked concepts like lies, deception, or concealment, known as "thought transparency."

This was in stark contrast to humans, which resulted in fatal flaws in the Trisolarans' strategic planning.

The "Wallfacers" initiative was launched to exploit the weaknesses of the Trisolarans.

When New Krypton conquered Earth and was so accommodating, wanting to pull them into New Krypton, the Trisolarans immediately suspected that New Krypton was trying to deceive them, delaying them from broadcasting their coordinates outward and attracting attacks from other higher civilizations.

They suspected that New Krypton wanted to ensnare them all and ensure they could not escape.

So, the Trisolarans was very vigilant and completely distrusted the promises of the New Krypton Diplomatic Department, revealing the full extent of their dark forest suspicions in the universe.

Especially since New Krypton and Earth humans had very similar appearances and habits, and even thought opaquely.

Now, the Trisolarans has already set up gravity wave broadcasts in their planetary fleet. The decision is up to the New Krypton. Forced into a corner, the Trisolarans can only broadcast their coordinates and confront them head-on.

"Then let's destroy them," H'el said lightly.

Previously, he just wanted to see if he could bring the Trisolarans into his New Krypton. After all, he was in the midst of a cosmic war with the Green Lantern Corps and the Olympian gods at the time and couldn't spare the time to deal with the Trisolarans.

Moreover, H'el also wanted to integrate the Trisolarans, a civilization with transparent thoughts, into New Krypton, to add more cosmic races to New Krypton.

With only three races on New Krypton - the Transformers, Kryptonians, and ordinary humans - it was a bit sparse.

Now, they had been given a chance for ten years, and they were still trying their luck. Did they really think New Krypton was so patient?

The laws of the dark forest in the universe are indeed terrifying.

But H'el believed that he had accumulated enough. With Zero becoming the god of machinery and energy, surpassing ordinary intelligent life, transforming from the AllSpark into a true mechanical life form, and integrating into the authority of machinery and energy, she had reached a high level. It was time to learn and understand more about the technological knowledge of the Three-Body Universe, to take herself to the next level.

It's time to clash with the advanced civilizations of the Three-Body Universe, using the hands of the Trisolarans to draw out some advanced civilizations.

"The Magic Legion, the Kryptonian Legion, large numbers of cloned beings, and the gene potions for the superhumanization of the entire Earth population will come from another universe to support us. From this moment on, we will launch a conquest of the universe starting from the Trisolarans, under the full command of Zero."

In just a few words, H'el decided to initiate the initial phase of the war against the Three-Body Universe, starting with the main antagonist of the original work, to make contact with advanced civilizations.

The humans in the conference room shuddered in unison and responded together with others.

"Understood, Your Majesty."


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