

John went online and bought all available shares and also invested in Wilson Group as well, He spent about 10 Billion dollars. Once he transferred all the Money over He owned 30 % Shares in Wilson Group.

Just as he finished doing all that Mrs Wilson's phone rang, She didn't know what John Did exactly. So When she answered the Phone she got a shock "Really he did OMG" When She hung up she walked back over John was just talking with Bill and David.

Mrs Wilson "John Thank you so much when my Husband is better, you have to come by so we can thank you Properly" John just nodded in agreement. Before he said " We should get going I have to get Sugar Pie Home"  The statement had a double meaning of course. David and Bill both started laughing. John just chuckled.

Mrs Wilson didn't know why they were laughing but it has been awhile since she saw her son in this mood so she was happy.

She said " Okay thank you again and I will send the Paperwork with David on Monday for you to sign if that is alright?" John replied " Yes that fine, when ever you are ready"

They both walked John and Bill out as they were getting in the helicopter Mrs Wilson was about to walk away before David stopped her "Mum , your going to want to see this, He is an amazing pilot"

John and Bill Shut the door and got in the Cock pit and  he started the engine up. Before he started lifting off slowly, looking left and right. 

He slowly rocked the helicopter inch's away from both building until he was free of them then he rose and turned it around and headed towards the airport.

The Wilson's standing on the ground Mrs Wilson exclaimed "WOW, that was amazing , I have never seen anyone do that with a helicopter before" David just Nodded and they headed back inside.

Back on the Helicopter Bill was staring at John Licking his Lips "Damn, you get sexier every time you do that" John looked at his heated gaze. " Keep looking at me like that, I will have my way with you in the car on the way home."

Five Minutes later John landed the helicopter Shut the engine off and they both left said good bye to everyone and got in their car and sped off home. They pulled the car into the garage and just barely got out of the car before they  crashed their lips on one another their tongues down each other throats.

They stripped each other right there in the Garage before taking turns pounding into one another right there against the bonnet. It was so intense that both of them exploded twice and still wanted more. 

Kissing their way in side and all the way up to the Bed room until they fell on the Bed where they Made Love. It was slow gentle and full of love they made it last a good two hours before they Both exploded and collapsed on the Bed both breathing heavy.

John Breathing heavy said " I am going to have to build the Helipad here sooner, especially if they result in this" 

Bill Just looked at him and Moaned " Baby, it is not the Bird that sexy but the pilot" With that he pounced on John again crashing his lips on his. Roaming his hands and Mouth all over. 

Bill worked his way down until he reached John's Hard Hot Member " Mm mm look what I found your Joy stick" With that he wrapped his mouth around and started Playing with it. Causing John to Moan out "Aaahh Baby that it play with my Joy Stick, that's it OOHH" John had his Hands on Bill's head and roaming around His back all the Way down his Body.

Some time later John exploded down Bill's throat with a loud Moan "AAAAHHH YESSSS" Immediately following that John Pushed Bill Down and started roaming his Tongue all over his Body " I am going to fly you to the stars Baby" 

His Tongue was working wonders on Bill he almost exploded before John even got near him "OOOHHH My GOD hunny don't stop you , OHH Yes keep going, AAHH"

John Finally made it to his Hard Hot Member it was so hard twitching that Bill was a moaning mess when he Put his mouth around it with his tongue still working wonders. Bill soon exploded Screaming John's name.

Bill fell back against the Bed and John Crawled up  Kissed him on the lips  and fell back on the Bed. Both were breathing So hard. They eventually fell asleep completely satisfied. 

They did not wake up till the following Morning where they Made Love again before they got up and had a shower and didn't bother getting dressed. When they got down stairs the System Chimed in Johns Head.

Next chapter