
Chapter 628: Selection System for Sultan Country

On October 1st, 1925, a piece of news instantly plunged the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands into chaos.

According to the report, Batavia, the capital of the Dutch East Indies, had officially been conquered by indigenous rebels, and Governor Dirk had been captured, with over twenty thousand Dutch Soldiers facing the danger of encirclement.

The disaster was attributed to Dirk's poor command and Muhammad's betrayal.

The Dutch media that reported this news called Dirk a waste and Muhammad a traitor to the Netherlands, stating that all mixed-race individuals were like Muhammad and should not be trusted.

Once reported, the news caused a huge stir within the Netherlands. The importance of the Dutch East Indies to the Netherlands was unquestionable, and Muhammad's betrayal and Governor Dirk's captivity also meant that the situation in the Dutch East Indies was irretrievable.

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