
Chapter 209: Russia Nation's Dreadnought Ambition

The celebration banquet went smoothly, and Arthur made more friends from the European royal families, including nobles from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Bulgaria.

Interestingly, the Bulgarian royal family also came from the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Family, and its Prince Ferdinand I had a distant kinship with Arthur's grandmother, Queen Victoria.

Ferdinand I was a writer, botanist, entomologist, and philatelist, but due to his fragile and quirky personality, he was criticized by his father's cousin, Queen Victoria, when he was chosen as the Prince of Bulgaria: "He is completely unsuitable, fragile, strange, and weak. Such a person is not suitable to be a ruler of a country and should immediately stop inviting him to become the Prince of Bulgaria."

In fact, Queen Victoria was not the only one questioning Ferdinand; many European royal families doubted whether he could be a qualified ruler.

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