
Chapter 200: Mary Pavlovna

The venue for the welcoming banquet prepared for Arthur was held at the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg. This was the imperial palace of the Russian Empire and the palace where generations of Russian tsars had lived the most since Catherine the Great.

Of course, as the emperor of Russia, one of the European powers, Nicholas II also possessed numerous travel manors and estates.

The Winter Palace was the largest palace in Russia and one of the most formal royal residences. The workers' petition took place here previously.

However, according to tradition, Nicholas II should be vacationing at the Rivagia Palace in Yalta during the summer.

Yes, it was the place where the Yalta Conference was held later. The Yalta Conference was a meeting of the victorious nations of the war at that time, discussing the allocation of post-war benefits, and it was a conference that determined the world pattern after World War II.

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