
You speak Korean?

Tessy and Mason were both dressed richly and elegantly, so when they entered, the waiters immediately attended to them.

"What can I get for you?" The waiter asked in Korea.

Mason wanted to serve as an interpreter with the mindset that Tessy didn't understand Korean but he was shocked when she answered back in Korea.

"This, this and this." She pointed at the menu. "Oh and add some extra sauce to this, okay?" She was really fluent and the waiter nodded before turning to Mason.

"And you sir?"

"Same." He said, handing the menu to him. Though he did not know what Tessy ordered, he trusted her taste.

He was still staring at Tessy, surprised at what an amazing person she was.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" She asked in English.

"You speak Korean?"

"I speak lots of languages. It's no big deal." She said but he still looked in disbelief. "What? You couldn't tell I was that extraordinary?" She asked.

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