
How dare you treat me like this?

Later that day, Tessy discovered that all the workers who gossipped her earlier were gone. It was faster than she had thought.

While she was at the entrance waiting for Mason, she met Leo, again.

"Hi!" Leo waved at her but she didn't respond. He thought she didn't hear him and decided to repeat his greeting. "H..."

"I heard you the first time." She said, coldly interrupting him. "I didn't mean to be rude but I had something on my mind."

"It's no problem. By the way, I think I saw you before. Are you an employee here?" He inquired.

"Yes, I work here." She answered patiently.

"My name is Leo, what's yours?" He stretched his hand for a handshake.

"Tessy. Tessy Wendell." She said without shaking him. "I advise you to drop your hand cause I won't shake you."

Feeling awkward, he dropped his hand. This conversation was going nowhere. She didn't seem to be in a good mood, why was that?

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