

" Honey don't be nervous, they will just run a small check to update your quirk. " A woman with pink hair spoke to her son who's hand she was holding guiding him through the hospital.

" Okay. " The son replied following his mother.

After a few seconds they entered a room and waited for a doctor who came in not long after,

" Can you show me how your quirk works? " The doctor asked.

The boy nodded and walked to the desk to grab a pen before walking to a wall and drawing a small trash can before reaching for it and pulling it out the wall.

The doctor was speechless, this ability was shocking in more ways than one.

" Is that all it can do? " The doctor asked after getting himself together but the kid looked at the mom as she started explaining.

" As far as I've seen him he can use the quirk to create non living things. He usually creates trash cans , throws trash in the can and then puts the full trash can inside a paper as it becomes a drawing again. He's created other things like paint brushes, pens, etc. Basically equipment for him to draw or paint more things. " The mother explained as the doctor wrote everything down.

' If he drew a jail, and put people inside the jail. Could he put them inside a paper as a drawing? Maybe if he works on his quirk more it could become possible... If people find this out they'll try using him, I'll do him a favor. ' The doctor crumbled the piece of paper before taking out a new one and writing " Quirk- Can draw non living/Non threatening materials and bring them out as real materials. The quirk has also giving him high level experience in drawing/Painting. " 

( A/N I know people will argue Pens can kill so they're threatening, but in reality anything can be used to kill. But these materials original use aren't for killing, you can use a mouse to kill someone, a pencil, a phone, a computer, etc but that isn't their purpose for being created. )

" What would you like to call the quirk? " The doctor asked curiously.

" Artistic creation " The boy answered with a excited smile as he laughed.

" Nice name, you are free to go home now. Please be safe on your way home. " The doctor smiled and gave the lady a handshake and a lollipop to the kid who took it right away and put it in his mouth ( Pause ).

They happily went home and had dinner before going to bed as it was already night and the boy had school the next day.


" Ugh acting like that is annoying, im glad i was reborn as a kid but i also hate it. If Mother had waited one more damn day i would've had everything completed, but i guess it's fine." The boy took out a journal and flipped through the pages as there were multiple drawings, All Might, Eraser head, Shigaraki, All For One, Ulquiorra, Aizen, Zaraki Kenpachi, etc.

' I can create non living things but that's not the only thing it can do. I can create living things, i can create edible things, i can create anything as long as i draw it. But there's also another thing on top of it, I can also change things into what i want. Im a manga artist, that's my true quirk. ' He finally stopped on a set of fruits, with different names " Tremor Tremor, Ope Ope, Cat Cat Model: leopard, Human Human Model: Nika, Dark Dark "

" Dark fruit is a given since I'll be allowed to eat another fruit. But what other fruit should i eat? The Leapord one is a transformation one so it would be obvious it isn't part of my painting quirk, Though the Sun god fruit is good it will still transform me white and the moves Luffy uses are creatable with my quirk, Tremor Tremor is neat but creating earthquakes in this world would be trouble some, I think Ope Ope is the one to go. The room isn't visible to anybody and can barely be seen and that's in the one piece world. Observation Haki isn't used here so they wouldn't be able to even tell it's there no matter what. " Confirming his decision he started writing next to the 2 fruits he chose,

( A/N I know that it's not confirmed whether Blackbeard has 2 quirks because of his race, fruit, or the magical blanket but for now let's go with this. )

{ Dark Dark fruit has no weakness, not even water like all other fruits. It also tastes like Chocolate }

{ Ope Ope fruit has no weakness, not even water like all other fruits. It also tastes like cake }

Before taking them out and eating the dark fruit with a comfortable expression as it tasted great. Happily grabbing the next fruit and eating it before trying out both powers simultaneously.

First he created a a small room covering his room before using vortex to bring a small cup he had at his desk to him who was in his bed, a black substance covered his hand as the cup flew towards him at a rapid speed as he caught it with ease. 

" This will be fun. " He threw the cup towards the other side of the room as he picked up his hand taking out his thumb, index finger, and middle finger and closing the other two as he called out, " Shambles ". 

Switching with the cup as he landed on the floor and the cup landed on his bed stopping it from breaking.

" Though this is a very powerful quirk it isn't almighty. " The boy walked back to his bed and grabbed the notebook looking for other drawings.

" I can't just change myself since in this way i am the manga creator meaning i can create things pretty self explanatory, im still human but the things i create aren't. You can guess where im going with this right? Basically i can't just draw myself and write " He's able to use chakra/Cursed energy. " I can't give myself different energies, i can't gives myself races, powers, etc atleast not in a literal sense, But i can do this, " The boy landed on a pair of Rinnegans before writing next to them " The Rinnegan are usable by any kind of energy, not just chakra.  " Before taking them out and flipping to a page with both Sakura and Kabuto drawn as he said " Come out " Before they slowly came out the notebook.

" What's your order, Master? " Kabuto asked as he bowed as Sakura followed.

" Operate on me and swap my eyes with these. " He said giving the eyes to Kabuto who nodded as the boy laid on the bed before taking out a pill to knock out.


(A/N Once i got here i noticed he's more OP than i thought, that his weakness doesn't matter. Basically he can use things that would give him powers, he can also create other people as his slaves.

He can create let's say Ichigos sword and just change the energy use from reiatsu into the energy he's using now. But he can't create a food and just write " This will give the consumer all hakis " since it's not part of the use of it. It's just food, you can change how much nutrients it gives though.

Another example of how he can get abilities or races, he can create Lucius from Black clover and order him to make him a angel, or he can create law and just order him to make him immortal, Etc. Any questions let me know, but yeah he's going to be OP asf even if he can't fight he can just create someone to do the job for him. He's so OP i might make this a Multiverse Fanfic instead of just MHA. Depending on how good or bad the attention this gets is.)

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