
Mutual Destruction

A painful roar sounded on Varkal's Shelter. A Rock Turtle cried out in pain as a purple fire consumed its body.

The Rock Turtle was a mutant creature with extraordinary defensive abilities. With six gene locks open, the bus-sized turtle became the size of an airplane with 'thick earth' coating it.

Looking at the squirming turtle that was sent to distract the invading Ink Sun Dragon, Bian figured it was not petrified immediately because of its defensive state, which was already similar to that of stone.

Sadly, the purple flames couldn't be tricked so easily, and they still burned the Rock Turtle as it tried to petrify it completely.

'I'm thankful for the beast souls I have.' Bian gave a silent prayer as he noticed he couldn't unsummon the Rock Turtle while the purple fire was burning it. He could only pray it survived the whole ordeal and didn't bother to think much about it.

Regardless of who won the fight, Bian still needed to escape from them. He was mentally prepared to use Terraslip once the outcome of the fight was decided.

Now that he had harvested all his fruits and used up the weird rainbow liquid, there really wasn't much keeping him on the shelter. With his small army, he could even defeat the Clover, Heart, Spade, and Diamond Kingdoms, not all at once, but individually.

"What is wrong with the two of them!" Bian cursed the Ink Sun Dragon and Zephiron Varkal.

Once the sun was eclipsed, the Ink Sun Dragon's scales changed color to that of the indigo light around them. Its nine brains fully woke up, as its life was truly in danger.

Varkal seemed surprised by the fact that the huge seven-hundred-meter beast suddenly vanished. He was having a hard time battling the invisible foe.

Bian was first gobsmacked by the sheer power and vast amounts of abilities both parties had, but now he was numb and wished them both dead.

Since he had advanced to the third stage of heresy mantra, Longevity, Bian had never felt out of energy—at least until now, as maintaining the active jadebody was draining his energy reserves at a rapid pace.


"To think you would have so many abilities as a mere beast. You would have triumphed over anyone else but me." Varkal spoke with pride, but failed as his breathing became even more ragged.

The twelve-ringed halo behind him represented how long he could eclipse the sun. Ten rings were already gone, leaving two behind, with the outer ring already shaking.

With all nine brains awake, the invisible Ink Sun Dragon was a pain to deal with. Once the last two rings faded and the eclipse was undone, it would be nigh impossible to kill it in sunlight.

"I didn't want to resort to this, but you leave me no choice. It will all be worth it once I lay my hands on the berserk blade, Aeonshard!"

As though enraged by his words, the Ink Sun Dragon attacked with all eight of its tentacles acting as whips. Space was distorted as immense power was concentrated on a spot.

Although the beast was invisible, Bian had no issue observing the creature with the Empirical Aura. The move it had just unleashed was as powerful as one of its dark solar blasts.

"Even Zephiron won't survive that, it's the end." The creature moved too swiftly to be dodged, coupled with its huge size. It was a nightmare to deal with, even without the sun.

With a sly smile, Varkal brought out a gold greatsword.

The tentacles of the Ink Sun Dragon froze as it tried to retreat, but it was too late. With a clean stab through its heart, Varkal sacrificed his lifeforce to power the one-time artifact and obliterate everything in the vicinity.

"Another one?" Bian rolled his eyes. He hated how strong these two were and now he was catching on to their tactics. First, the Ink Sun Dragon blew itself up, now it was Varkal.

[Berserk Super Creature Ink Sun Dragon killed. Beast soul has been acquired. Eat the life essence to gain 0 to 10 geno points randomly. Meat edible.]

"That's my cue to leave," Bian thought as he unsummoned the beast soul glyph of the Stone Devil Beast and was about to use Terraslip.

Before he could activate it, though, the spirit stone of Zephiron Varkal beamed out a blinding indigo light before exploding to bits.

Bian: "..."

The smoke cleared as a small black life essence of the Ink Sun Dragon fell to the ground. The artificial moon slowly collapsed, and peace returned to the forest.

The terrifying beast which gave the forest its name was no more. No Man's Forest died this day with the death of the tyrannical Ink Sun Dragon.

'Did I do that?' Bian wondered, a thought that sounded almost ridiculous even to him. His super body wasn't that strong to him, especially when compared to Han Sen's super king spirit.

It didn't empower him or weaken his enemies. It couldn't kill the weakest creature or enable him to fight super creatures right off the bat.

It seemed he had misjudged his super body greatly. Stealing beast souls regardless of the killer, seeing through all forms of invisibility and camouflage, and now even killing spirits once they die in the light.

He couldn't be a hundred percent certain, but Bian felt it was his Empirical Aura that triggered Varkal's spirit stone to shatter once he died.

"Roar!" The dying roar of the Rock Turtle brought him out of his daze. He summoned Hope Spirit and all his pets, sending an Aerial Scavenger to retrieve the falling life essence.

"Damn you, Varkal!"

"What happened here?"

"That bastard blew the entire Ink Sun Dragon to smithereens. There's nothing left for the Strength Overlord to eat."

Bian deactivated the Empirical Aura, shrouding the world in brief darkness before sunlight escaped from behind the massive falling piece of rock.

Hope Spirit was stunned by a lot of things. She managed to organize herself to deal with the most pressing matters.

"That Rock Turtle is about to die."

"Those flames are inextinguishable for a mere mutant creature. There's nothing we can do about it." Bian was also pissed at the thought of losing one of his soldiers, especially after waiting two whole months to grow them.

"What if we absorb the flames?" Hope Spirit thought as she led the Rock Turtle to where the white serpent spat out the small sapling.

The tree growing could grant elemental augmentation, but it had to be fed the blood of creatures with that element. Bian didn't expect the sapling to absorb the purple flames from the turtle and form a small purple fruit.

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"It does. The sapling is already fed with pure life essence from the drops. It doesn't require blood of creatures anymore but should still be able to form elemental augmentation fruits."

Although her reasoning sounded illogical, Bian was no expert at sanctuary horticulture. The Aerial Scavenger returned with a completely black life essence.

Thankfully, Bian had seen the life flow of the Ink Sun Dragon when it regenerated from its severed tentacle and flew past the shelter.

He simulated the life flow of the Ink Sun Dragon, causing sunlight to flow into his body and replenish his diminishing energy.

[Life essence of Ink Sun Dragon consumed. One super geno point gained.]

[Life essence of Ink Sun Dragon consumed. One super geno point gained.]


'The energy flow of the Ink Sun Dragon is really good. If I were bigger, I could potentially absorb even more sunlight and maintain jadebody indefinitely.'

The amount of energy used to maintain jadebody was far greater than the energy replenished by the sunlight.

The massive body of the Ink Sun Dragon allowed it to absorb far more sunlight to channel for various means. Since its energy flow only absorbed sunlight, most of its actual powers were innate.

[Geno points acquired: 100 Ordinary Geno Points; 86 Primitive Geno Points; 92 Mutant Geno Points; 42 Sacred Geno Points; 10 Super Geno Points.]

With ten super geno points, the cracks around his body healed to minor scratches. The body pillar within him slowed down to its normal operating speed and Bian reverted back to his normal skin tone.

His skin bled from the minor cuts around his body as he became weak, even with his improved physique.

'I need to rest for a bit.' Bian heard the loud crash of the massive rock in the distance as he passed out.

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