
Chapter 114 He’s Here

  Beth's POV

  As the banquet hall echoed with the end of the dance song, I hooked Aaron's neck and kissed him on the lips.

  Words failed me. I missed him so much, and the feelings were beyond description. I tiptoed hard, wanting the moment to last forever. Closing my eyes, I relished Aaron's tenderness. The tip of his tongue hooked mine, and we were immersed in each other's scent.

  The music ended, and I opened my eyes with great reluctance. I looked at Aaron only to find that the tenderness I had just seen in his eyes was gone and replaced by almost complete coldness. I quickly let go and kept my distance from him. He was not Aaron. He would hurt me. His wolf that hated me took over his body again.

  I was very dejected. How could I face Aaron? I had no idea. Getting away from him was the only way I could think of for now. I wanted to turn around, yet a woman came out of the blue abruptly and blocked my way. It was Ally.

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