
The moment of truth


Cássio now has to watch soccer with Fábio to pretend the forced friendship with the other plan. But he has one more mission to accomplish. He strikes again after they shout "goal" and the narrator calls the break.

"How lucky the goal came right at the break," Fábio says.

"So the team celebrates at halftime."

"That's right. But, huh, I thought you were Corinthians."

Cassio disguises himself, "W-well, when Coringão isn't playing, I accompany the other teams."

Fabio smiles, "Good to know that you also appreciate Vasco."

Cassio answers in his thoughts, "Only you, Fábio Dance!" Now, he says, "I didn't see you yesterday at the Assembly."

"Ah, man, what an annoying thing! This gentleman who is playing as mayor is not going to change anything. Just hire a private company and have that square repaired because if you are going to wait for the City Hall to look at this distant neighborhood..."

"Hope and faith, comrade, we'll be treated equally. Now, who was there was Fábia Peres... With all due respect..."

This time, without Ed to warn, Fábio falls into the trap. Fábio reacts suspiciously, "What about Fábia?"

"She was really hot. Why did you leave your girlfriend single for an afternoon, man? She must have received every proposal..."

Fábio counters sharply, "She can't, Cássio. I told her at our meeting about the importance of trust and mutual respect."

"I don't think she knows what 'mutual' is."

Cassio doesn't know and disguises it. Fábio gets angry.

"Are you telling me that she gave attention to other guys?"

Cassio is doing forced suspense, "Ehr... not exactly..."

Cássio manages to capture Fábio's attention. He stands in front of the visitor. Cassio tries to watch TV.

"The second half has started."

"You are hiding something from me, Cássio! You can open the beak, you started!"

Cássio is learning to act like Sandra, "Calm down, calm down... relax, bro! It's this: but you won't tell anyone who told me," He does a conspiratorial tone, "Sandra saw Fábia Peres buy more of those magazines."

Fábio turns red as if he's gone to the beach, "How is this possible?"

"With a credit card. And look, it wasn't man mags. This time they were romance books, those that the ladies only buy due to the cover with a man without a shirt. Fábia Peres shouldn't even read the story."

Fábio roars, "How ungrateful, disloyal! That's why she was upset when I got serious at the pizzeria. She should have already bought it! But she will hear me!"

Cassio is scared, "Hey, man, promise me you won't involve my girlfriend in this story! She just thought she should let you know."

"So, you two did very well. I'll think of a way..."

Fábio sits back on the couch and doesn't pay any more attention to the match. Cássio, on the contrary, enjoys it as if the team was the Corinthians.


Monica is typing nonstop on the computer, the second book at full throttle. Suddenly, a knock on the door takes away her concentration. Monica takes a deep breath, gets up, and goes to the door, "Who is it?"

Fábia Peres, outside, "Open it soon, or I order to break it in!"

Monica opens, rolling her eyes. Fábia enters, stepping hard. 

"'Order to break it in'; you can't do it alone, right?"

Fábia is spitting fire through the winds, "Monica, for the last time, I warn you: stay away from my boyfriend!"

"Hey girl, I think I'm going to take this broken record player and turn it into my third book: Paranoia, how about it?"

"Don't make a fool of yourself! I'm aware that you've been up to it!"

"Well, I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Your insinuations that Fabinho still has that collection of indecent magazines... They were lies! I proved it!"

Monica reacts in surprise, "Did he... throw it away?"

"Of course he did! Because he loves me, and he is not a hypocrite! If I had to throw away, he had to do the same with his own! Simple as that! Now tell me, Monica: if you think the worst of Fábio, how did you ever fall in love with him?"

"First because we were kids, then, he wasn't as freaky as—"

Fábia Peres speaks louder, "He's not like that anymore, damn it! He's changing, he's talking about serious commitment, trust, and respect... Even an engagement has already been considered! Don't you realize, Monica, how bad you are doing?"

Monica stops and reflects seriously. 

Fábia continues, "We went out at the pizzeria on Friday. He talked about the importance of trusting the person you love... Trusting, implying that I don't trust him. His insinuations made me sway, and he realized! Now I'll never listen again to your lies because that is what you want, that I doubt my man!"

Monica starts to regret, "Fábia Peres, I didn't tell you those things to separate them, much less to have him with me!"

But Fábia doesn't buy it, "Of course, for that just over my dead body. I think you're confusing your novels with real life."

"Okay, speaking of romance: excuse me, I need to continue working."

"Not without something first."


Fábia by surprise slaps Monica. Monica, revolted, looks at Fábia with one hand on her sore face.

"Go away now, you crazy!"

Fábia Peres talks all haughty, "You'll take a lot more if you confuse me again. Fabinho will never be yours, you horrible one!"

Monica screams at the top of her lungs, "Go away!"

"What's going on here?"

The two women are startled by Carlos standing at the open window of the living room.

Fábia gets caught but still wants to come out on top. Monica keeps her hand on her face.

Fábia disguises it, "A woman's discussion, you officer." 

Carlos shakes his head, "A woman or a messy woman? I could hear it on the sidewalk."

"Fábia was already leaving," Monica says coldly.

"That's right, you cop," Fábia turns to Monica, ironic, "Good night, dear neighbor!"

Fábia Peres leaves and Carlos passes inside.

"Are you going to press charges, Monica?"

Monica smiles slightly, "Chief, this is not important."

"Carlos. Outside, you can call me Carlos. I'm not even in uniform, even though I'm armed."

"Oh, Carlos... It will be hard to get used to. Sit down. Do you want some water, coffee...?"

Carlos is kind, "Oh, no... I was, you know... I was going to Carina's house. But, as I said, I heard your scream... And that hand on your face, is that what I'm thinking?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"'Marimar' or 'A Ursupadora'."

Monica laughs and ends up reaching down, showing the bruise.

Carlos narrows his eyes, staring at the light bruise, "It looks like she didn't do it very hard..."

"Carlos, I am not such a fragile woman."

"Okay. So I think it's better—"

Monica stands in front of him, "Carlos, please, we need to talk."


"If that's what I'm thinking, I know Carina. She won't talk about that now."

Carlos reflects. 

Monica checks if someone is spying and closes the living room window, "It's about Miriam, right? Célio, Annie, Jonas, and I talked about it earlier. I don't know how to tell you otherwise, Carlos, but we suspect Miriam is in love with you."

Carlos remains silent without a clear reaction.


The pizzeria has fewer customers, which allows Aurélio at a table just for him. He has a big pizza, maybe he intends to take the rest home. Aurélio eats slowly, thinking about life. Through the door, Annie enters. She looks for a table and finds him. 

Automatically, she addresses him, "I never saw anyone eat pizza with that sad face on it, Seu Aurélio."

Aurélio sees her and smiles a little, "Sit down, my daughter, and join me."

"Better ask for mine." Annie sits down.

"No, I asked for a big piece by foolish. Now I'm pushing with this wine."

"Then at least a slice..." Annie serves herself, "Um... delicious... But, huh, Seu Aurélio, do you want to tell me what is bothering you?"

"Rosa yesterday told me that I would be a good father. She understands that I like you very much. You kids started by becoming mere customers of my snack bar..."

Annie speaks sweetly, "And we became great friends, even more than that. I, very loving, would say it's love, Seu Aurélio. You love us as children, and we love you as a father."

Aurélio has teary eyes, "Yeah... But, sometimes I think I should have... someone of my blood. I'm sure I would be a good father. I don't mean that with you it's insufficient, is that—"

Annie is human, penalized, "I understand, Seu Aurélio. We are not twenty-four hours at Malthus Snack Bar. When it closes, you feel alone."

"So I came to visit this place to meditate, to refresh my ideas a little."

"I have observed this in you, Malthus. If it's not audacity on my part, I am a friendly shoulder."

Aurélio smiles, touched, he puts his hand on Annie's arm. She smiles back.


Fábio is now alone watching the Sunday program. The door and window are closed. Therefore, it remained for the bell to ring. Fábio gets up, picks up puts on his shirt, and stops at the door.

"Who is it?"

Fábia Peres yells outside, "Did everyone decide to ask that question?"

Fábio rolls his eyes and opens the door. Fábia Peres enters thinking she is a diva. Fábio closes the door.

"What's up now?"

"I am trying to unfold our dating, our love!"

"If you don't understand it's late to discuss the relationship—"

Fábia Peres gestures and drops the purse on the sofa, "Oh, don't talk too much! Here's the thing, you don't have to complain anymore that I doubt you. I assume! I was a fool."

Fábio replies vehemently, "Yeah, you were! I know everything, Fábia."

"Honey, I can explain to you—"

"How you did that with me, we agreed!"

"But, it wasn't my fault! It was Monica who confused me!"

Fábio reacts in shock. He thinks it's Monica who is behind Cassio's plan, "Monica?"

"Yes, it was her! She kept implying that you hadn't thrown away your collection, and I said you did, and she said I was too stupid to believe you. So you came with that trusting conversation at the meeting, I thought you realized my doubts. But, from now on, I won't doubt you anymore, I swear!"

"Wait a moment, Fábia! Do you mean that...? Did Monica convince you to call Cássio to come here and ask if I had the collection? Was it her idea and not yours?"

Fábia Peres jolts: it's the moment, to tell the truth or not...

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