
Chapter 7: The Challenge

"Outside of Fyrestone, just past the gate and across the road, you'll find several Skag dens. A Skag is a vicious four-legged creature, and they'll eat anything, including you. I wanna know if you can handle yourself in a fight against some of these beasts, so head on out there and kill some of 'em for me. If you're still in one piece, then c'mon back."

We had spoken to Zed about some minor things and accepted his "Test"/mission of having to fight the Skags outside Fyrestone to prove we aren't suicidal people. I definitely fit in that category since I am no where near as killed as the others are. All I have is my one week (26ED) worth of combat experience, since I had gotten my Siren Powers and all I have is an enhancement to my body from the Hybrid Serum.

I would get thrashed by most of the Vault Creatures if I faced them now. The Sentinal is the only one I am confident in that won't attack me and will let me live since I'm a Siren.

The Traveller couldn't care less about me unless I attack it. Although, he is the only one I can actually kill. All the have to do is teleport inside of him and reach his heart/Core, place a bomb, GTFO there and detonate it and there you go. The others can kill me instantly as I am now.

Travelling with the others who are living legends will allow me to learn and hone my abilities in this Chaotic and Dangerous Universe while being protected by these saud legendary individuals, that i am walking with towards Claptrap.

Not only that but if I know the future events and enemies, as well as being with the other Vault Hunters, then I can guarantee my safety.

I still hadn't finished absorbing the Eridium I had gotten from the Caustic Caverns.

I was absorbing it extremely slowly so I ensure I don't do an "Overdose" of energy and suffer the consequences of Eridium consumption.

I have absorbed 15% of it by now. It was only the sizzle of my palm and could for in it quite perfectly.

It was talking to long to absorb so I plan to do something special later during the next night cycle of a Pandora day.

Which is 90 hours. 45 hours day and night cycle.

(A/n Repeating in case you forgot.)

I was in the middle of the group so I am ready for what will happen next.

As expected, the sound and then the appearance of an Bandit Outtunner had appeared and done a 360 turn while firing bullets from the machine gun and a rocket.

The rocket had hit the area infrastructure if Claptrap and caused a shockwave which injured him as a result.

"Oh my God. I'm leaking! I think I'm leaking! Aaahhh...I'm leaking! There's oil everywhere!"

I knew this would happen and could have saved Claptrap from it.

Why didn't I?

One was I wanted revenge on him from earlier. Now I was satisfied.

Two, if I did save him, there is a chance he could get caught in the crossfire and suffer a Lethal bullet that would put him out of commission permanently where not even Shadowtrap can save him.

It was better to receive an injury that can be repaired, while being safe and prone of the ground to avoid Gunfire.

Or to not be injured but have the chance of being fatally put out of commission...permanently.

Plus, I'll only start him and others if I am confident enough in my abilities.

I was still a novice at using them, vut I'll get stringer over time.

I quickly dashed forward and made my way to the wall and a tombstone to hide against.

Seconds later a few Bandits appeared after climbing the wall.

I swiftly took care of the ones on the right side with my Dark Saber, while Mordecai helped provide cover fire for me on any I wasn't fast enough to miss.

The others took the other side's enemies.

We made swift work on them as I severed their heads and limbs. I also shot some with my Ace of Spades so ant critical hit made will deal massive damage and their heads would explode.

Some people can survive a bullet to the head and keep fighting. I didn't want any to sneak up and stab me in the back just because they managed to survive.

One good example is the Bounty Hunter of Star Wars called Durge. He can regenerate from anything unless his brain is COMPLETELY DESTROYED!

Durge survived more than 100 times, so he says, out of his thousand years of life. Only when Anakin used the Force to send his escape pod into the sun did he finally die.

I won't risk anything. Instant kills only. Anything less then that and I will never drop my guard...EVER...

(A/n when someone is speaking on the Echo device i will be using script format for dialogue.)

Zed: "Looks like you got under Nine-Toes' skin. Don't worry, he'll get what's comin' to him!"

"You did it! I knew you were the right choice. Oh...! That poor little robot needs our help. Would you kindly give him a hand?" Angel spoke to us out of the blue yet again.

Everyone looked at Claptrap and approached him.

Roland, Mordecai and me were the more experienced ones in terms of using Technology.

Roland since he has to do maintenance on his Sabre Turret.

Mordecai since he uses a fair amount of technology for varying reasons and was mostly alone with just Bloodwing for a number of years.

And me. Since I have my past life knowledge on minor circuitry from school and I had also bought nearly every book that was from the largest library on Earth. The Liabrary of Congress.

I was the most experienced here since I needed to learn this Universe's technology and so I bought Earth Books from my past life in thr System Store.

I also searched threw the Echo.net looking at various points of study material and subjects.

I bent down to examine Claptrap. I performed a diagnostic check using my Echo over him.


The damage is minimal.

"That little robot is hurt. He isn't going to last very long without attention. Why don't you look around for something to fix him up?"

Hearing Angel's words was really soothing to the soul, ahhh she is so naive and kind hearted its adorable.

I had actually swiped the repair kit from earlier on one of my teleportations into Fyrestone during my time here at the Fyrestone Motel.

I'd frequently blink into town and steal some stuff from the Bandits and get what I need for myself rather then buying from the System Shop or exhausting myself by using PhaseCreate all the time.

The repair kit was one of them.

I put my hand in my cloak and secretly use the System Storage to take out some duct tape, some wires and a wrench.

Everyone just started at me like I was a weirdo fir carrying these things with me. I can even feel Angel watching.

"What?! I was working on something before you guys came. My tools are still with me. Didn't want to lose them."

They accepted this, albeit slightly.

All I did was tightened some lose screws after I had replaced the burt wires with new ones and I used good old Gorilla Duct Tape of the Borderlands Universe to close he oil leak.

"Hah ha! Whew! Good as new! I think...Am I leaking?"

The hellspawn robot proclaimed as he returned to life, maybe I should send him to his Maker with a quick shot to the head?

"He seems to be okay. Now is the time to get moving and play your part in the journey to come." Angel said having seen that Claptrap is alright now.

After we left the gate Claptrap spoke to us again.

"Thank you for visiting Fyrestone! Farewell travellers, and be sure to say 'hello' to all the other friendly Claptraps that await you on Pandora! I shall now continue my fascinating research on the wondrous properties of sand!"

We left Claptrap and made our way to the Skag nest.

The area is much larger. Like T.K. Baha looked like he was just over the hill in-game. But now, he was like a solid hour away by foot, instead of one minute away.

After dealing with the Skags, easily, we returned to Zed. I had told them to bring as many parts back to Zed so he can examine them and would pay for them.

Money is always enticing to anybody. Thus, they agreed. Brick was able to carry six. He could carry more, but his arms could hold any more due to the size if the Skags.

I carried two with me. I had my right hand free so I can shoot anyone that appeared with my Hawkmoon fir its fast fire rate and hip fire accuracy perks.

Normal gun perks don't exist for Borderlands guns since they are real, whereas my destiny guns and so on from the System are able to maintain their in-game abilities and scientific laws for their respective Universes.

That means a gun that has increase movement speed would actually work.

The Bane (smg) is just a smg that has a some toxins and other similar things that don't qualify as a "Curse" or a perk.

The Bane has toxins and other things that causes extreme hallucination effects on the individual through touch, much like how bacteria, diseases and virus spreads.

This hallucinations make the person thinks that the gun is heavy and screams out loud.

The System Shop's description of The Bane (smg) when I looked at it had shown this to me. That's how I know.

Anyway, we had gotten back to Zed.

"I guess those skags didn't give you much trouble, eh? You clearly know how to handle a gun. That's good, real good. You're gonna need it, 'cause I've got somethin' else for you to help me with."

"That's nice and all, but do you want to buy these Skag bodies from us?" I said as I showed some of the corpses we had been carrying.

"Oh! Why yes I do! Thank you kindly. How bout' you put it on the tables over there. Here's payment for you lot keeping them in mint condition."

Zed had handed us $756 for the Skag bodies. We didn't get any for the mission he gave us since that was a test. He did reimburse us with some ammunition he had that matched our gear.

Unfortunately, my Ace of Spades and Last Word use different ammunition and are quite costly for me. Fortunately however, the bullets Zed gave me matched my Hawkmoon.

I could create bullets using PhaseCreate for my Last Word handcannon, but I'll need to do that when I'm going to rest safe and sound. Making large amounts of something will exhaust me greatly, at least for now.

Outside the shop I was filling my Hawkmoon and the cartridges with the ammunition I received.

Meanwhile, I can see Roland talk to Zed about getting a Power Coupling for the Med Vender Machine, in his spacious building, in order to purchase some shields.

I had approached Mordecai and Bloodwing, who was nesting on the table in a curled up position.

"You got a minute?" I called out to him.


"I noticed that the Catch-A-Ride machine out there doesn't have a Power Core to it. Well have to get it if we want to travel out of Fyrestone at some point. Why not weaken the Bandit Clans in the nearby areas by taking away their only method to getting new vehicles and dealing with the thieves I'm question? Also we can have the friendly little competition we were taling about earlier."

"Ha! We'll see bout' that when I claim your rifle. So where too?"

"Follow me. I'll go tell Roland about where we're going."

He nodded and prepared himself.

I had told Roland and the ithers what we were going to do.

He was doubtful since we would only weaken the group if we split up. Brick wanted to join but I promised him I'll take him to do something fun in the future...something explosive.

That had shut him up instantly. It was quite funny given how much shouting he did in Borderlands 2 and 3, and yet my few words had made him go as quire as a rabbit.

Anyway, I travelled with Mordecai to Bonehead's Camp to get the Power Core.

Dealing with Bonehead was simple really.

We were perched up on a high vantage point, after I gave Mordecai some climbing gear I purchased to climb the rocky terrain.

After that, we proceeded to shoot exam and every Bandit with nothing but headshots and trickshots by having it reflect on many surfaces.

I couldn't believe how skilled Mordecai was!

He is literally my equal and the equal of Deadshot/Slade and Taskmaster of DC and Marvel respectively.

Bloodwing was also in the contest as it was a 2 vs 1 contest since I had the better gear and challengers advantage.

I had set the main objective but Mordecai set the rules and other things.

After a while, Bonehead appeared and we went ham on him versus each other to kill him first.

No Bandit could shoot us since Pandora's Sun was directly above us, and they were directly below us.

I heard the sound of his shield pop.

I saw Bloodwing was swooping down to kill him but I was faster.

I shot a wall, which reflected and hit Bonehead in the back of his head.

He slumped down and exposed his head on the ground from out if the cover he was hiding behind.

I was going to shoot him in the head to finish him off since I saw his eye flutter...


He was dead as his brain matter splattered everywhere.


"Looks like I won! Haha! Better pay up kiddo!"


I lost...

We were evenly tied due to us being completely perfect against exah other.

I was almost barely able to keep up with his speed with the Sniper Rifle.

When I was about to finish of Bonehead, Mordecai saw it quicker then just did due to his vast amount of combat experience.

Thus, he had reacted faster then I did and fired a bullet at Bonehead.

I convinced Mordecai to let me keep the Sniper for a while until I could get a new one.

He was a real champ of a guy!

He accepted and said he'll collect it if it takes to long.

I was going to get Whisper of the Worm at some point anyway. I will be able to get the money in one year (Earth Year).

(A/n 1 Pandora Year is 10 Earth Years to Orbital around its sun.)

When Mordecai wasn't looking, I had taken absolutely everything here. From every body to every shield and weapon and Outrunner vehicle.

I looked at Bonehead's smg, the Bone Shredder.

I kept it and made my way back to Mordecai.

We made our way back to Fyrestone and the others who should also be back by now as well from their own things.

I still can't believe I lost to Mordecai.

But at the same time I was happy.

He was my main character in Borderlands 1 and my favourite among all of the Vault Hunters of Borderlands 1.

I had lost Mordecai's Challenge.

But I accepted it.

Cause I'll be sure to win next time.

Next chapter