
Chapter 26. Confrontation

— Oh, my God.

Strange exclamations reached Remesis's ears. As she slowly turned her head, she suddenly saw a person from the opposite side walking towards her. It was a woman whose appearance shocked everyone present.

A thin bridge of her nose, golden eyes, and a beautiful, sharp face. Despite her rather young age, the woman's face was resolutely cold. A gaze as cold as a corpse and as harsh as the north wind was something that the nobles in the peaceful capital did not have. The rough and cold gaze made no distinction between men and women, young and old, as well as nobles.

However, ironically, it was the colour of her hair that caught people's attention and left not the slightest doubt about the origin of her identity. Silver hair that looked like mist. A family trait of the imperial family, which unfortunately went to the offspring who was nicknamed 'devil spawn'.

Everyone turned their heads towards the entrance of the banquet hall, wondering if they were seeing things. The knights, who were always expressionless, like the banquet guests, quickly knelt down on their knees with faces full of horror and alarm. The Emperor looked intently in his daughter's direction, holding his breath. It was obvious that he was extremely nervous.

Everyone who entered the imperial palace was impatient and strutted around at the thought of being greeted by the imperial family. The majestic and high ceiling, as well as its austere interior decoration and scale also contributed to this.

However, Asil Nara Ashelot walked leisurely and arrogantly as if she was the owner of this place. It was as if meeting the emperor had no significance to her. In the end, without saying hello, Asil walked past the elevated area where the imperial family was located. Instead, she headed straight ahead...''

— Your highness, why are you suddenly here?

The Northern Princess's steps gradually became slower. Until she stopped right in front of Remesis.

The Duke's youngest daughter, who was stunned at first, hurriedly straightened her face. Remesis's embarrassed voice was rough and anxious.

— Wife, how happy I am to see you! You look so splendid today.

The coldness that hovered around this woman earlier dissipated in an instant.

Asil looked at her wife and smiled so brightly that even those standing at the farthest end of the banquet hall could tell she was smiling. The princess slowly lowered her head and pressed her lips to the back of her hand.

However, this touching scene of greeting made Remesis' forehead wrinkle.

— Your highness, why are you here at this hour? — she repeated her question.

Asil, who had lowered her head, looked at Remesis again. Her eyes were sad like a dog caught in the rain.

— Wife, you said you would go away for a little while, but you have been gone so long... — she complained, — My patience is not unlimited. I decided to come in person to see you.

— What? You mean you came here just because you wanted to see me? — Remesis interjected.

— Yes... Is there something wrong with that? — The princess's eyes widened slightly, as if she really didn't understand what could be the problem.

'Something wrong?!'

How could she speak of such things as something that was normal? A lord who left his men and land to come to the other side of the empire, just to see his wife. That's a man you could call responsible?

Seriously, Remesis thought she was an idiot to believe that this woman had changed even one bit.

The princess of the north's eyes darkened for a moment as she found herself extremely annoyed by her wife's reckless behaviour. But then, as she realised something, her vision quickly returned to her.

In any case, that wasn't even what mattered most right now.

The real problem was something else.

— Let me ask you this, who did you leave the northern castle to?

— Ah, that... — Asil mumbled absent-mindedly, ''I told Heitz to look after things in our absence. I think he'll be fine with it.

What? Heitzu?

That's crazy.

Heitz Adelpho was the assistant Remesis hired to help with her affairs about six months ago. After Maester Luven's illness worsened and he was unable to continue working, the girl had had to resort to such measures. It was too difficult for her to cope with so much work alone.

Heitz was quite a capable young man, even though he was born and raised in a simple family, he had aptitude, thanks to which he was able to pass the selection and get into the service of the northern castle. In the end out of all the candidates Remezis decided to choose him as her assistant. Despite his young age, Heitz Adelpho already had high hopes for his future career.

However, this did not change the fact that Heitz still lacked experience, as he had only started working as her assistant six months ago. Besides, he was only seventeen years old and was not mature enough to handle more responsible tasks.

Nevertheless, this was the man the princess eventually left the entire North to.

'It's driving me crazy.'

Remesis was completely discouraged.

Madness. Real madness.

— Your Highness, how could you do such a thing? — Though she tried to hold back, her true emotions in this situation were bound to break through. The girl was enraged.

At least now Remesis realised why she hadn't received answers to her letters all this time, even though she kept sending them to the northern fortress. It was because her deadbeat wife had just dropped everything and left, apparently without thinking of the consequences.

— Wife. are you angry with me? — Asil asked, glancing at her worriedly.

— Your highness, the way you acted... It was extremely reckless of you.

Remesis was really struggling to find the right words.

— Reckless?

— What you did is completely unacceptable for a lord who is responsible for his own territory. How could you... how could you leave such important matters to an inexperienced trainee?

Since they were still in public, Remesis only lightly scolded her consort, but definitely intended to have a serious talk with her about it later.

— Oh. I thought everything was going to be fine. But if you're angry about it... I'm sorry.

The next moment, the woman gently lowered her eyelashes. She simply lowered her eyes, but the change caused by this action was so dramatic, as if Asil was playing a learnt part in a play. Furthermore, the princess answered her with a face that definitely didn't express the slightest bit of remorse. This simply pissed Remesis off.

At this time, it could seem to others that the Princess of the North and the princess were whispering secrets that couldn't be told to others. Moreover, because of the dramatic atmosphere at this moment, it could seem as if they were exchanging fantastic plans for this banquet, plotting something truly grand and terrifying. Would the beginnings of a coup in the empire be laid right here and now? But... No way that right now Remesis was reprimanding her wife, the ruthless northern devil.

What angered her even more was when the woman changed the topic of conversation so quickly.

— Wife, I was surprised to hear that you were going to come here. Is it because you wanted to have fun at the banquet?

'What? No! Rather, it looks like you're the one who wants it!'

Remesis's face reflected clear indignation.

— Come to think of it, we've never danced since we've been married..... — Asil continued to ponder aloud. After all, it was obvious where this was going. And Remesis was right.

— Since we're here, it's worth taking this opportunity, isn't it? — When the princess offered her to dance with her, Remesis no longer had any moral strength left to resist her. The girl raised her head and looked gloomily at the woman who was a head taller than herself. But at this moment she was not at all afraid.

'Why, after all, are you doing this to me?'

That was exactly what Remesis wanted to ask her.

The two people's eyes met. The confrontation was short, and it seemed that whoever would win was determined from the start. In the end, Remesis chuckled quietly.

— If that's what you want.

A bright smile blossomed on Asil's face. The woman's already beautiful face became even more attractive as soon as she smiled. However, Remesis could not be bribed with this.

Taking the initiative, the princess gently led her to the middle of the ballroom. At the same instant, the whispering of the nobles abruptly stopped. Only the melody of beautiful music flowed. Asil hugged Remesis around the waist with her right arm and squeezed her hands with her left. A shiver involuntarily ran through the girl's body from this action.

Remesis was aware of the attention of many people as their gazes were already penetrating her skin. Among them was also the gaze of the imperial family, to which Asil still paid no attention. Instead, her attention was focused entirely on Remesis.

Remesis blinked. It was strange, yet Asil showed no signs of flinching as she danced.

— I don't remember ever teaching you to dance, your highness.

— Yes.

Moving her feet to match her steps, Remesis' breathing became increasingly uneven.

— How can you dance so well? — Remesis asked excitedly. She couldn't understand where Asil could have learnt such skills, as she was almost constantly on military campaigns.

— Is that a good thing? — The princess's lips pressed together softly, as if the compliment was nice to her. — I wanted to dance with my wife someday, so I practised alone in my spare time.

— .....

In the past, when they were children, Remesis had tried to find an approach to the princess, parallel tightening her leash. She seemed to be cautiously approaching the feral baby beast.

Now that they were grown, they danced hand in hand. Could this be called a kind of progression in their relationship? Though it was definitely not the progress the girl had originally hoped for. Remesis involuntarily covered her eyes.

Liana Daehsin remained silent and watched this dance from the side. The nobles, who were also watching from afar, interjected and whispered. The Lord of the North and her wife in the middle were glowing, obviously being the protagonists of the actual ball. Even if this increased attention did not carry a positive message.

As her wife stepped aside to spend time in the company of other noble ladies, Liana just stood back and watched for a while. Until suddenly... Her attention was caught by a figure who also quietly returned to the banquet hall, but because of Lord North's dancing, no one paid attention to it.

— Gardenia! — Liana excitedly called out to her.

She saw the girl, and immediately walked over to her. Smooth and long brown hair. Shining emerald eyes. Her rosy cheeks were as ripe, fresh and beautiful as apples. This girl was Liana's favourite little sister.

— Where have you been? I was worried because you were gone for quite a while, and I was about to go looking for you.

The youngest daughter of the head of the astrological order hesitated, but finally hesitantly opened her mouth:

— I just wanted to go out for some air. I'm sorry for making you worry...

— I told you not to go too far away!

— I was on the terrace for a rest, ' she excused herself, 'But the servant who took me there had already left when I was about to go back. So, I got a little lost when I wanted to go back to the banquet hall...

After listening to her explanation, Liana Daehsin sighed and let go of her shoulders that she had previously clutched. But the worry left her for a short while. In the next moment, the girl's swollen ankle was suddenly reflected in her green irises.

— What, what happened to you?

Seeing her elder sister's facial expression continue to worsen, Gardenia Daehsin waved her hands and said:

— It was my own fault. My heels on my shoes are too high. I just so happened to trip when I was leaving the banquet hall.

- ...

There was no reply. Gardenia took stock of her expression. Her older sister was clearly frowning.

— ...But it's not serious. I just need to go home and get some rest. I'll recover quickly!

Liana Daehsin pressed her lips together. She stood up as she examined her ankle and made sure that there really wasn't a serious sprain.

— I'm sorry, sister. If I had been more careful, this wouldn't have happened...

Gardenia lowered her eyes guiltily. As expected, the young head's expression finally softened after that.

— It's alright, ' she objected with a sigh, 'You don't have to apologise. We'll just be back a little earlier...

Liana's next words were difficult for her to hear. Although Gardenia was talking to her older sister at that moment, all her attention was directed to a certain person. Without her knowledge, Gardenia noticed that her hands were sweating. The girl was agitated. Her heart was pounding loudly. She continued to keep her gaze on this woman without even realising it.

When the dance between the Lord of the North and the princess finally ended and the music subsided, there was expectedly no loud applause. The nobles were too excited, and no one dared to clap their hands. Meanwhile, Asil's hand was still resting on Remesis' waist, even though the dance had already come to an end.

Of course, Remesis also noticed the stares among the guests that had been directed in their direction all this time. The princess smiled slightly.

— Your Highness, ' she whispered to the Princess without breaking eye contact at this time, 'Why don't you ask that lady to dance? She's been looking this way for so long that I think... She's obviously interested in you.

Asil was silent for a moment. Through her silver hair, her golden eyes shone with a sinister glint. The princess smiled slightly and whispered:

— Wife, is this really what you want?

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