

Kai was in great pain, the Mana inside him running rampant seemingly trying to wreak havoc on his body. Noticing this, he rapidly expelled Mana from his body, causing his body to dim. 


The Mana that was expelled seemed to that a physical form, looking much like a rainbow essence-like liquid. The expelled Mana floated in the Mana Water briefly before diffusing into the surroundings, causing the lake to start to shimmer in a rainbow hue as well.


Kai took note of this but still had his focus on preventing the pain, he could instinctively tell that stopping this pain was of utmost importance, as if his body was screaming to him that any longer and it would burst.


A few seconds of internal screaming later, the pain suddenly disappeared, just like that. The pain didn't eventually fade away, no it just suddenly disappeared; it was as though it was an illusion.


odd... very odd. Kai thought, checking his body's condition. His body had hardened itself during that experience, probably attempting to defend itself from the unknown pain assaulting it. He could see tiny cracks had appeared on the larger of his two spikes, noticing that one of his smaller spikes had seemingly exploded, its fragmented pieces floating aimlessly in the Mana Water.


Returning to his liquidized form, Kai extended his blob-like body to make contact with his body's shattered pieces. The small fragments quickly melted back into the body, looking as though nothing had happened in the first place.


Looking back on what had happened, it seemed the source of that excruciating pain was Mana. The Mana in his body had suddenly started running rampant, making his insides feel as though they were coming inside out.


Kai slowly backtracked his memories, quite literally rewatching the entire scenario as though it were a video. He was able to instantly identify the problem; it was a body. More specifically, his body mass.


His body had apparently reached the limit on the amount of Mana it could store, based on what he could see. After all, his body only started feeling the pain when he had absorbed a certain amount of Mana Water, as well as the fact that the pain was immediately cut off when his Mana levels dropped below that "limit".


Feeling prideful of his new discovery, he looked at himself again in triumph... only to realize that the Mana stored in his body was once again increasing. 


Shit! Of course, Mana increases naturally. Kai sped off, sending tendril after tendril into several cracks; much like the one he came out of. Capable of now spreading his consciousness into 23 parts, courtesy of his increased Mana reserves, which, apparently increased the amount he could control.


Oh, wait. Kai expelled more rainbow-colored Mana from his lustrous body, slightly embarassed for panicking when there was such an easy solution at hand. However, his long tendrils continued searching for any caves, more of those crystals, to be exact.


Soon, his tendrils found caves, in fact, there were a staggering number of them, more than anything he had expected. The cracks  from one crack ,to two, and those split even more , and most of those lead to caves deep in the earth. 


Man, I really am in the best location. If Kai could have grinned, he would have, the place he had "spawned in" had turned out to be the perfect place to grow.


Kai sat on a spiderweb-like net deep in the lake, nearly touching the flora and fauna that resided there. With him at its center, thin wires stretched outwards in beautiful patterns, eventually reaching the end of the lake.  If a person looked close enough, they could see a odd rainbow hue being emitted by the breathtaking piece of art.


He currently had a mundane routine, he would find caves, send a larger portion of his body to the small "scout" and absorb everything in there, then voraciously absorb the Mana Water around him.


Occasionally, he'd try to absorb other things he found at the bottom of the lake. The occasional glowing piece of stone, shimmering shells that had once contained life and chunks of coalesced Mana, or that's what he thought it was.


As he had expected, he was unable to consume any of them, except the chunks of solid Mana - which he thought were so because they literally glowed blue and felt just like the Mana of the Lake- 


However, Kai had another problem at hand.


Man, I really want to taste something... 

I'd appreciate any ideas or feedback you might have! I am writing this story as I go and have no specific plan, so I would be more than glad to incorporate any of your ideas.

The coalesced Mana looks like the heart of the sea from Minecraft

A part of his consciousness is required to actively manipulate his body, already made parts do not need it.

Kai's thoughts will usually(unless i miss it) be in italic along with sounds

I hope you have a wonderful day :D

Takaiecreators' thoughts
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