
[11] Uta's Journey to a New Genesis

Several days had passed since Luffy and Uta's adventure atop the abandoned windmill. The scene now shifted to the ever-joyous Partys Bar, where laughter and merriment filled the air. Luffy and Uta sat side by side, surrounded by the entire Red Hair Pirates crew.

Amidst the revelry, Uta excitedly recounted her recent explorations around Foosha Village. "And we saw a giant wolf-like rock there," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with the thrill of discovery.

Shanks, the captain of the Red Hair Pirates, grinned at her enthusiasm. "That sounds fun," he remarked, raising his tankard in a toast.

"You bet!" Uta replied with a hearty laugh. "So, what's the plan for today you two?" Shanks asked, turning his attention to Uta and Luffy.

Luffy, busy savoring his meal, looked up with a mischievous glint in his eye. "We planned to play around the shore today," he said between bites. "Yeah, maybe we'll even play in the seawater," Uta added with a playful grin.

Shanks nodded approvingly. "Is that so? Sounds like you two will have fun," he remarked. However, his expression grew more serious as he continued, "But don't go too deep into the sea" "especially you, Luffy." The last part came from Makino who just came out of kitchen and listened the conversation.

Uta, ever the watchful friend, chimed in reassuringly, "Don't worry, Makino-San. I'll keep him in line."

Makino, listening Uta, smiled warmly. "Thanks for always keeping an eye on Luffy. Without you, I'm pretty sure he would've gotten himself into lots of trouble."

Luffy couldn't resist defending himself, albeit with a sheepish grin. "Hey, I'm not that bad!"

Uta playfully teased him, "Nah! You sure are a trouble magnet, like the time you brought an entire baboon pack to attack us."

Luffy started to explain, "Come on, that only happened because..." but he was met with more laughter from Uta and the crew.

Watching their camaraderie, Shanks and Makino shared a knowing look and a serene smile, grateful for the bonds that had formed among their crewmates and friends.

As the sun painted the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink, Uta and Luffy stood on the sandy shores of Foosha Village Beach, ready for a day filled with fun and adventure. The salty breeze ruffled their hair as they contemplated their beach activities.

Uta and Luffy were knee-deep in their sandcastle-building adventure. Uta's nimble fingers expertly shaped the sand into elaborate turrets and intricate details, while Luffy, with his boundless energy, worked on creating a moat around the structure.

As Uta meticulously crafted a cat-shaped tower, Luffy couldn't help but be impressed. He grinned and exclaimed, "Uta, this castle is amazing! It looks just like a real cat!"

Uta blushed, appreciating Luffy's compliment. "Thanks, Luffy! I've always loved cats, so I wanted to make something special."

Luffy continued to admire her work, then a curious expression crossed his face. "Hey, Uta, where did you get the idea for this castle?"

Uta's eyes sparkled as she recounted her memories of the picturesque Sunchime Kingdom. "You know, Luffy, I once visited the Sunchime Kingdom with the crew, and there, I saw a castle just like this one. They had these beautiful cat statues all around the kingdom, and I was so inspired by them."

Luffy's eyes widened in fascination. "Sunchime Kingdom? What's that place like?"

Uta leaned back on her heels, a smile on her face as she recalled her memories. "Sunchime Kingdom is a sunny paradise with pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and crystal-clear waters that stretch as far as the eye can see. The kingdom is nestled on a picturesque island, and it's known for its artistic culture and its love for the sea. The people there are incredibly friendly, and they have these grand festivals celebrating their connection to the ocean."

Luffy's excitement grew as he listened intently. "Wow, that sounds incredible! I want to go there someday and see this Sunchime Kingdom for myself!"

Uta chuckled, her heart warmed by Luffy's enthusiasm. "I'm sure you'd love it, Luffy. And maybe, if we ever sail those seas together, you'll get to see it sooner than you think."

Their sandcastle, now standing tall and proud, bore witness to their conversation. It was more than just a pile of sand; it was a symbol of their friendship and the dreams that stretched far beyond the horizon of Foosha Village Beach.

After their sandcastle-building adventure, Uta and Luffy decided to explore the shoreline through a bit of beachcombing. They strolled along the sandy expanse, letting the gentle waves wash over their feet as they scanned the exposed tidal pools and rocks.

Uta's keen eye soon spotted a family of crabs, their pincers clicking in the sunlight as they scuttled among the rocks. She knelt down to get a closer look, her curiosity piqued. "Look, Luffy! It's a crab family. They're so cute."

Luffy joined her, squatting down to observe the crabs with fascination. "Yeah, they're cool! Nature's full of surprises."

As they continued their beachcombing adventure, they discovered colorful seashells of various shapes and sizes scattered along the shore. Uta picked up a particularly striking conch shell, its intricate patterns resembling a work of art. "Luffy, look at this shell. It's so beautiful."

Luffy grinned and held up a scallop shell of his own. "And I found this one! It's like treasure hunting!"

Their beachcombing escapade continued as they combed the shoreline for more hidden gems from the sea. With each discovery, they shared facts and tidbits about the shells and creatures they found, deepening their appreciation for the natural beauty of the beach. It was a simple yet beautiful moment, reminding them of the wonders that the world had to offer, both on land and beneath the waves.

As Uta and Luffy continued their beachcombing adventure, they couldn't help but notice a massive wave forming on the horizon. The sight of it was both exhilarating and inviting, and without a second thought, they decided to try their hand at surfing on the open sea.

They quickly grabbed nearby surfboards that had washed ashore and paddled out into the crystal-clear waters. The anticipation was palpable as they waited for the perfect wave to ride.

Finally, it arrived – a colossal wave rising high above the ocean's surface. Uta and Luffy, their eyes shining with excitement, began to paddle furiously to catch the wave. The sound of the crashing surf filled the air, a thunderous roar that matched the pounding of their hearts.


But as they rode the giant wave, a sudden shadowy presence loomed within it. A deep, brown hue emerged from the heart of the wave, casting a chilling sensation over them both. Uta and Luffy exchanged wide-eyed glances, their excitement turning into fear.

And then it appeared, a massive, terrifying creature with jagged fins and gnarled teeth. Its eyes gleamed with an eerie hunger as it burst from the wave, a colossal force of nature.


The creature emitted bone-chilling, guttural growls that echoed across the sea, the sound of impending danger. Uta and Luffy's conversation turned to panic-filled exchanges as they paddled for their lives.

Luffy shouted, his voice trembling with fear, "Uta, what is that thing?"

Uta, her voice equally tense, replied, "It's a Seaking, Luffy!"

The sea churned around them as they raced against time, the creature's monstrous roars blending with the crashing waves. The adrenaline coursed through their veins as they desperately tried to outpace the beast.

Uta, in the midst of the adrenaline rush, made a slight mistake in her balance and was about to be left behind, her surfboard wobbling dangerously. But before the creature could strike, Luffy, with lightning-fast reflexes, reached out and grabbed her, pulling her onto his own surfboard.


With the Seaking closing in, Luffy's determination flared. He shouted, "Hold on, Uta!" The sound of the monster's thunderous approach filled the air, its jaws snapping menacingly.


With incredible strength and agility, Luffy managed to steer the surfboard away from the snapping jaws of the colossal menace. Their hearts raced as they surfed for their lives, the beast's pursuit growing more frenzied.

It was a thrilling and perilous ride on the razor's edge between danger and survival, reminding them that adventure could turn treacherous in the blink of an eye.

Breathing heavily, Uta and Luffy finally reached the safety of the shore, their surfboards discarded as they stumbled onto the sandy beach. Their hearts pounded with the lingering fear of the encounter with the colossal Seaking.

Luffy, still catching his breath, couldn't contain his bewilderment. "What the heck was that abomination?" he exclaimed, wide-eyed and shaken.

Uta, equally panting but with a hint of relief, responded, "Just like I told you before, Luffy, it was a Seaking."

Luffy's curiosity piqued. "Seaking? What's a Seaking?"

Uta took a moment to catch her breath before explaining, "Seakings are enormous sea creatures known for their ferocity and size. They're often found in the deepest parts of the ocean. It's rare to encounter one near the shore like that."

Luffy's eyes widened with understanding. "Wow, that thing was huge! I'm glad we made it out okay."

Uta gave a tired but grateful smile. "You saved me back there, Luffy. Thanks for being so quick to help."

Luffy grinned, brushing off the praise. "Of course, Uta! We look out for each other, right? That's what friends do."

As they sat on the beach, recovering from their thrilling and perilous encounter with the Seaking, they couldn't help but appreciate the strength of their friendship and the unpredictable challenges that life on the sea brought.

Sitting on the beach, the idea of sending messages in bottles took a new, heartfelt turn in their minds. Uta and Luffy looked at each other, sharing an unspoken understanding.

Luffy began, "Uta, what if we send messages in these bottles with our dreams in them? Like, what we really want to achieve on this journey?"

Uta's eyes lit up with excitement at the idea. "That's a fantastic idea, Luffy! It's a way to share our dreams with the world."

Luffy nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! We can tell people out there what we're chasing after!"

Uta's smile grew warm as she thought about her dream. "Luffy, my dream is to bring the world to a new genesis through my music. I want my songs to touch people's hearts, to unite them, and to inspire them to create a better world."

Luffy listened intently, his eyes filled with support. "That's an amazing dream, Uta! I know you can do it. And I will help you any way I can!"

Uta's smile remained warm, and she spoke with deep gratitude. "Luffy, your support means the world to me. I'll hold on to that promise then, never forget about it, okay?"

Luffy's grin widened, and he placed a hand on his chest, a solemn promise in his eyes. "You got it, Uta! I never forget a promise, especially one as important as this. We'll chase our dreams together, and nothing will stop us!"

With their dreams etched in their hearts and an unbreakable bond forged through their promise, Uta and Luffy gazed out at the sea, ready to face whatever adventures lay ahead on their journey to make their dreams a reality.

With newfound determination, they began writing their dreams on pieces of parchment, carefully sealing them in bottles. As they cast the bottles into the ocean, they watched them bob away on the waves, carrying their dreams to unknown destinations.

Uta and Luffy knew that their dreams were bold and ambitious, but that's what made their journey so thrilling. With the sea as their canvas and their dreams as their compass, they set forth, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, and to inspire others to chase their dreams too.

A couple of days later, the Red-Haired Pirates were preparing for an expedition(from which they will return back to foosha). Luffy, ever spontaneous and adventurous, approached Shanks with a hopeful expression. "Hey, Shanks, why don't you let me join your crew and let me come on this journey along side you?"

Shanks, with a fond smile, tousled Luffy's hair. "Luffy, you're a great kid, but we can't take you with us"

Meanwhile, the villagers of Foosha, who had grown quite acquainted with the Red-Haired Pirates during their stay, gathered to bid the crew farewell for their small journey. Well-wishes for their safe return and cheers filled the air as the crew prepared to set sail.

Among the crew members, Uta had a peculiar feeling deep within her. It was as if this journey held the promise of something vital for her dream. She couldn't quite put it into words, but she felt that this expedition might lead her one step closer to completing her dreams.

Uta turned to Luffy, a glimmer of determination in her eyes. "Luffy, I have a feeling about this journey. It's like there's something important waiting for me out there."

Luffy, always eager to support his friends, grinned and clapped her on the shoulder. "Then you better find what it is, Uta. Chase your dreams with all your might. And when you guys return to foosha, you better show me what you've found!"

"Promise, Luffy. I'll make the most of this journey, and I will tell you everything when I return"

Uta made her way to the deck of the ship as the crew prepared to set sail. With each step, she felt a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. As the ship started moving, the wind catching the sails, she looked back to the shore where Luffy stood.

Their eyes met one final time, and with heartfelt smiles, they bid each other farewell. Luffy watched the ship vanish into the horizon, realizing that Uta had started working toward her dreams. His resolve deepened; he couldn't be left behind. Determined, he vowed to work hard to fulfill his dreams.