
Show me your magic

"Is there something on your mind?" Clyde asked when he noticed that Evelyn was just pushing her food around on her plate. 

Evelyn blinked up at him and smiled softly. "Nothing," she lied, too nervous to say anything. 

"It doesn't look like nothing," he said in a low voice. 

Evelyn blushed, she was embarrassed by her thoughts and she was glad that Clyde was unable to read her mind or else she would have surely died of embarrassment if he could. "It's honestly nothing. I am just thinking about if I could help Micah with setting up the barrier," she fibbed. 

"I am sure you will be able to help him," he smiled and Evelyn felt butterflies in her stomach. 

She melted at the look of his smile and she nodded nervously, struggling to find something to say to fill the silence.

"How long will you all be staying?" Peggy asked in the silence of dinner. 

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