
Chapter 14: Vengeance

Before moving on to other issues he first made the rest of the ministers leave and wait outside for privacy before he gave his last command to the military. "Uncle Asher I intend to now establish 3 different knight orders. One being The Dawnbringers." 

"This knight order will consist of a group of knights who follow a strict code of honor and chivalry, they are the defenders of truth and justice. They will serve as the law enforcers and protectors in the cities and towns. The knights that join must have righteousness in their hearts and have a heart of justice, strength comes second, and character comes first in this order. Knight Captain Magnus will oversee this Knight Order. They will wear white with gold embroiled armor with golden cloaks. The Knight Order insignia will be a rising sun on a white flag." 


"Next, The Raven's Shadow will be overseen by Knight Captain Rowan, this secretive Order operates under the cover of darkness, using stealth and cunning to outwit their enemies. Their armor is black as a raven's wing, and they are experts in espionage and sabotage, their insignia will be the raven. They will be my eyes and ears. This Order will forever be known only to us four. They will operate under strict secrecy and no other knight order will know of them. The members will be selected carefully and will be made to undergo various tests to join." 


"And lastly will be the main force of the kingdom protecting us from outside threats- The Dragon's Fang. This is an Order of knights renowned for their bravery and fearlessness. Their armor will be crimson red and look like scales. The insignia will be dragon between two crossed axes representing the Dragons Fang Knight Order of the Kingdom of Verdant Vale. The order has no need for cowards and every man must be brave and the courage to protect his land. It will be overseen by Knight Commander Asher." 

Overwhelmed by the new policies and systems the Knight Captains and Commander stood before the young king with brightly shining eyes. In their hearts the king's status had once more increased, and they looked forward to their futures with this young king known as Ethan Darkwood. 

'' I expect everything must be done in one month's time. You yourself as responsible for recruiting your lieutenants and knights. The Dragons Fang gets first pick then the Dawnbringers. Knight Captain Magnus, your order has the strictest requirements and must be always kept secret. Dismissed" 

Finally, after arranging everything related to the military Ethan summoned his ministers to listen to the kingdom's economic growth. As Ethan listened, he could summarize everything calmly.' The economic boom of Verdant Vale was not a matter of chance or luck; instead, it was the result of meticulous planning, strategic decisions, and a constant drive for growth. The Merchant's Guild was instrumental in this transformation.' he thought. 'Their innovative trade policies and keen business acumen had attracted merchants from far and wide, turning Verdant Vale into a bustling hub of commerce. Every market day, the kingdom's squares were filled with stalls selling goods from different parts of the world. Exotic spices from the East, luxurious silks from the South, intricate artifacts from the North, and a myriad of other commodities exchanged hands, filling the kingdom's coffers.' 

True to its name, it was blessed with fertile lands and abundant livestock. The farmers worked the fields with renewed vigor, producing a variety of crops and fruits that were not only consumed within the kingdom but also exported. Apples as red as rubies, wheat golden as the sun, berries bursting with sweetness, and many other products of the land were regularly sent to neighboring kingdoms, bringing in substantial revenue. The livestock products, too, were highly sought after. The kingdom's dairy was renowned for its creamy milk and exquisite cheeses, while the poultry farms supplied eggs and meat, both locally and internationally. 

The blacksmiths of Verdant Vale also played a critical part in the kingdom's economic growth. Working tirelessly, they forged weapons and armor of superior quality. Each piece was a testament to their skill and craftsmanship. These were not just functional, but works of art, and were sold at a premium. Knights and warriors from different kingdoms sought Verdant Vale's steel, further boosting the kingdom's income. 


After months of planning the kingdom was finally able to become wealthy and strong. The military was stronger than ever before, and the merchant's guild brought hundreds of gold into the kingdom's vaults. Especially the livestock as after Ethan bought the corresponding building blueprints and materials, the kingdom was able to build diary factories, granary storages, vineyards and slaughterhouses. Exquisitely built buildings could be seen everywhere in the capital. 

As the kingdom became more popular the kingdom expanded its wall and started building towns outside and connected them with gravel roads. Looking quite luxurious, as Ethan has spent a lot of money building the towns and roads. The populace increased from a measly 3000 to over 15000 people and as such accommodation had to be made. 

Everything became so big so fast that at the end the economic council was established, Leo Carter as the head council member. The reason for the council is to help Leo manage the finances and ensure that every penny was used to its fullest potential. 


But just as there was corruption in his previous life, this life was no better than such fools appeared before in the council. Ethan was outraged at the thought of people stealing his money. 

"William! Order Knight Captain to ensure that the fools get what they deserve." 


Ethan didn't bother with the specifics as the fools were not at the meeting and he believed Magnus would be able to handle it. "Good, you and the council have done well Leo. Every member of the council will get a bonus for their hard work. Ensure that every worker from farmer to soldier has an increase in salary as we can afford it. I trust you will not disappoint me" 

Overjoyed that they earned more money and that their salaries were raised the minister praised.

"Long Live Your Majesty, The King!!" 

"Long Live Your Majesty, The King!!" 

"Long Live Your Majesty, The King!!" 


< Royal Study > 

A few hours had passed after the meeting in the throne room and Ethan was sitting behind his desk engrossed in his paperwork when the first sounds of commotion echoed outside the castle, instantly piquing his curiosity. As he was getting bored with his work, he decided to see what the commotion was all about. 

As he emerged into the courtyard, the sight that met him was enough to stop his heart momentarily - Knight Captain Magnus, a man of steel and strength, stumbling like a common drunkard, his armor drenched in blood. 

"Healers!" Ethan's voice echoed through the hallways, his command pulling a group of white-robed women from their quarters, their faces pale but determined. As they rushed to Magnus's aid, Ethan sent a swift message to summon Asher. 


As the healers started their work on Magnus, Ethan inquired about what happened and Magnus told his experience. His voice was a raw whisper, each word laced with pain. "I tracked the traitors...into Great Elvenwood. But I was ambushed... men in black robes... and demon masks." He paused; his breath ragged. "I fought, killed many, but they... they were too strong." Magnus described in harsh detail the relentless assault, his sword meeting theirs, the endless hours of combat. He spoke of how he had held his own, his blade dancing in the sunlight, traversing between the great oakwood trees, cutting down the enemy like wheat before the scythe. But then their leader joined the fray. "He was... as strong as me," he admitted, his pride making the admission almost a growl. 

His words painted a vivid image in Ethan's mind, the clash of steel, the brutal combat, and the eventual overpowering of Magnus. The Knight Captain's tale ended with his body giving out on him, the pain too significant to ignore any longer. He passed out, his body surrendering to exhaustion as he fell asleep on the bed. 

Ethan's blood boiled at the report. A string of curses slipped from his lips; his outrage palpable. "By the gods, those damned traitors! We'll make them pay!" His words echoed through the stone walls of the castle, underscoring the gravity of the situation. 

Ethan turned to Asher; his eyes ablaze with determination. "We need a strategy, Uncle. We cannot let them get away with this." The two of them started to brainstorm, quickly coming up with a plan of action. Ethan would lead a team, including Asher and three knight lieutenants, to track down the mysterious group. Asher refused profusely, but the only reply he got was- 'I won't be able to sleep at night knowing the traitors that injured my people was alive. I need to see them die.' 

Magnus's tale had provided them with enough information to start their hunt. Ethan knew the perils that awaited them in the Great Elvenwood, but he was ready to face them head-on. They set off for the forest at dusk. The traitors had drawn the first blood, but it would be Ethan and his men who would have the last laugh. His righteous proclamation rang out through the castle, a promise of retribution to come. "We will bring them to justice, or we will die trying!" 

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