
An Undying World 1

"It seems to me that the majority here have understood the content of the first test," the female envoy of the Ten Thousand Transformation Sect said, looking around at the geniuses seated among the crowd.

And unless one really had a hole in his head, then everyone among them really understood the content of the first message.

The chaos that would ensue would be something that is impossible to avoid; it is something that 90% of them would have no choice but to do if they wanted to pass the test and enter one of the sects.

It truly would be the most chaotic test of all, where everything would lie on your combat ability to not get eliminated, or your hiding ability to not get found or eliminated."

"Now, do you all understand the content of the first test? Let us get into it. To avoid too much death, we have proposed to have this first test taken in an Undying world, controlled by the envoy of the Divine Battle Sect.

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