
Give Me Your Trust...Once More

"You want us to fall through space with you? What do you think you are, a world leader?"

"Tch, he must be some psychopathic bastard..."

"Is he insane?"

'It finally came..." Zeras mused to himself as he looked at the various roars of protests from the crowd gathered.

Of course, he didn't accept himself as a very good convincer nor did he didn't expect them to suddenly jump through the void of space and they should all agree. That was taking it too far And now he could see their fear, which was now translating into anger.

"You know what?" Zeras asked his voice drowning the thousands of supports.

"You all are right..." Zeras confirmed as shock appeared on their faces.

"Who truly knows, I might be a psychopathic bastard who freed all of you from your cells. A psychopathic bastard who gave you all your freedom. And now that psychopathic bastard wants to risk traveling through the vast emptiness of space with you and with no spacesuits.


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