The journey to Planet Humbad was an almost 2hrs travel even with the spaceship moving at an approximate speed of Mach 7 through space. This shows just how far away Planet Humbad is from Earth.
Not a word was discussed between the New Cadets as they tried their best to get themselves into the perfect mental state of whatever would be coming in the next few hours.
Zeras sat within the Group A seat, his eyes closed as he regulated his breathing clearing away any type of nervousness he might had within, but unknowing to him, the calmer he got, the colder of an aura he radiated, making others feel as if he was a devilish beast in slumber. A feeling none of them could understand what the reason was.
"We have arrived at Planet Humbad, you're all advised to prepare for disembarkation in 59...58..57..."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: