
Elizabeth's diary (1)

I didn't believe it when my husband said that it was possible to create paper with tree bark, when he explained to me what paper was used for I didn't believe it.

But now that I'm used to it and learning to write with him, using an invention of his called the alphabet and alphabet pencil, he said that if I wrote a diary it would be good for me to learn to use the alphabet.

Honestly Edward has always been weird, I don't think the right word is genius,('I think he created that word to describe himself').

Anyway, since the time we were a child, Edward was already different, I always noticed since then that he was trying to teach us words in the language he invented,('I missed that it was just a joke, but he was the boss's son, I thought it was a good idea try to imitate him'), when I first managed to say tree I could have sworn I he appeared in a way that looked brighter than the sun, I don't know why but my face at that time was hot, according to Edward it was red.

One day Edward said to me I remember well that day nine days after Edward's mother died, when I went to his house on the day of his mother's death I could hear him crying, then later that day when I I was talking to him, he said he didn't want his mother to die of the flu he wanted her to live until old age, after he said that I wanted to know how old age was, he said that at least he had lived more than 60 summers (he said year on that day) but I laughed at him saying that it was impossible for someone to survive more than 60 summers (years), at that time I didn't understand but now I think that either he really wanted her to still be with him.

On the ninth day after his mother died he came to me and what he said I will remember forever, he said:

Elizabeth, my mother can't live 60 summers(years), she went up to Valhalla living only half that, you are me Elizabeth, we probably won't make it through that either but if we both make the decision to share our lives if we each live the only half of 60 summers (years) so in all we would have lived 60 summers as we will share the same destiny and life before the gods, so the question I ask you is Elizabeth are you willing to share your life, destiny and future with me" .

Elizabeth: "..."

At that time I was surprised, but later I calmly said: "yes".

(As it really was: "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", that day many birds flew from everyone because of a thunderous cry of happiness, and never more came back, actually they came back but she didn't see it, so she was embarrassed to write it in her diary, because she thinks it made the birds disappear).

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