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Leo tried to lead the Badgers as far as he could to give his young lord more time, but after chasing him for a mile and half, they started slowing down even though Leo was just fifty meters away from them.

Noticing this, Leo sighed. 'I hope you've done what you wanted, young Lord.'

Despite Siddharth trying his best to hide the real purpose of this trip, Leo had managed to guess that he wasn't here just for the battle experience. However, he was aware of his status, so he feigned ignorance.

The badgers had almost stopped by now, and were preparing to retreat. Seeing this, he also turned around, and rushed back when he noticed three of the level four badgers were missing from the badger group. Immediately, his face paled and a bad feeling crept up in his heart.

While hoping that Siddharth kept his promise and hadn't attacked after seeing the level four badgers, he started rushing back at full speed.