
The Principle of 677 Three

In the illusory dream.

Lan Meng was still explaining the situation regarding the Omniscient to Li Chengyi.

"All things known, all that is composed of order, is but a toy to those of the Quan Li, changeable at their whim."

He paused, a smile crossing his face.

"Although my realm is far inferior, I have also witnessed Master truly take action once."

"I have seen it too," Li Chengyi also realized at this moment.

It was when he first met Master Tian Xuanzi that he encountered the White Wax Organization.

At that time, Master had shrunk the primal blind spot of the White Wax to a tiny sphere and swallowed it in a single gulp.

That time, he likely completely changed the principle of the White Wax blind spot and also downgraded its image…

From a blind spot to something like a small, edible sphere…

Thinking about it now, Li Chengyi felt a truly profound sense of emotion.

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