

The monster charged toward the couple, ramming forward, and nothing in its path could stop it. A sense of déjà vu struck the human as he ran away.

After a minute, he couldn't feel the agonizing heat of the bear mole. He turned his head around, quickly assessed the situation behind him, and turned back around.

Both the beast and Clem were slower than him; however, the golem was equally if not slower than the beast. As it turns out, a robotic golem made of wood, rocks, and metal was not particularly agile.

Neither was the beast of molten magma.

Both moved at a walking pace. Chump facepalmed, sighed, and walked alone, the two engaged in their "chase."

"I thought this was dangerous…" Chump expressed, scratching the back of his head. "Can you... Just run faster than the mole bear?"

"As you can see, Mister Chump, I am not particularly fast."

Chump giggled at the sight of the two beings competing like tortoises, causing him to wheeze. "Oh come on, man. Can't you just create the thing he wants to eat and move on?"

Clem glanced at him, his face cracking into a frown. "That 'thing' contains my soul, Chump."

"You need some repairs and upgrades!" Chump coughed a bit after his loud laughter.

"Please help me out here…" Clem begged.

The mold on Clem's arm died out from the heat emanating from the beast.

"Keep... 'running' towards the buildings over there," Chump commented while searching around.

Clem pointed out, "That won't stop the beast."

"I'm not planning to use the buildings to stop the bear, 'Mister Clem'." Chump pointed back. "Just follow my lead at your own pace."

Chump hurried up with a smile, running towards the remaining businesses—biological, furniture, transport. There were a variety of different types of businesses lying around. Chump approached a nearby one.

The door was locked.

Chump hurried to the next door. Locked. Chump repeated this cycle a few more times, but he got the message after the fourth business was closed. He looked in all directions.

"I need a damn miracle here…" He thought.

The trail left by the beast melted the floor to such an extent that the asphalt began to boil, the cables melted into a paste, and the rocks were like chicken breasts in a soup.

One of the underground pipelines ruptured, and water escaped under high pressure.

The water was aimed towards the beast's torso. The force pushed the monster, and steam clouded the air behind it.

"Rasghhjsjsjssgjjjjjj…" The beast roared in pain, stunned.

Chump caught on quickly: its torso's magma turned solid for a moment.

However, the beast continued its chase after it turned back to hot red. However, the floor no longer melted; it was colder than before. It was fuming smoke now.

"Mister Chump! I don't know what you doing, but I only have a few minutes until it reaches me!"

"I know, I know! But we didn't invent ways to stop actual magma. I am improvising!"

Clem's expression turned (robotically) to horror as he looked at the human. His tone hinted at desperation. "Chump, I will die! Do something!"

Chump scratched his arms while looking through the companies, sweating, and with dry eyes, he looked around.

Chump's thoughts raced in quick succession:

Furniture? "No, the beast devoured it before."

Electronics? "No! The beast ate metal like nothing!"

Food industries? "The refrigerators could work, but the electricity has been down since last night!"

Clem shouted at the frozen Chump. "Pal!"

Chump expressed his distress, dictating his words. "I am thinking! I... I..."

Chemical and biological industries?

Chump signaled to that business. "Perhaps that may work!" Chump's tone hinted at hope.

"Let's get inside! I have an idea! I need help with the door."

"If I shoot, I will have less time before it reaches me! I will not—"

"Clem! I don't have time to explain! There is something that may stop him from inside! You need to trust me!" Chump rushed towards the door.

Clem did not respond. He heard the bear mole. Then he looked at his hand. The thunder mark was still there. He gripped his hand.

Then nodded.

He aimed his left arm, three fingers towards the door Chump signaled.

Three blue lasers launched from their fingertips, barely a millimeter wide, and struck the door. Three holes were left in the lock.

While shooting, Chump observed Clem and noticed for a split second a pattern formed in his hand before releasing the fire. But it was too bright and far away to notice anything more specific.

"Now! Keep going!" Clem shouted, seeing Chump freeze again.

"Oh right, right!" Chump hurried and kicked open the door. Luckily, it was damaged enough to be forced open.

Chump got inside first, disappearing within the factory.

Clem hurried inside the factory, no sign of the human. He kept moving as fast as he could, but the beast followed.

He felt his chest, his hands, his legs, his whole body heating up. The voice of his master was already scolding him. But he placed his other hand on his chest. He ran through the facility, throwing anything he could with one hand behind him.

But it was in vain. Everything thrown at his chest melted away, digested without resistance.

Everything in its path was slashed away by its claws. He turned around to face the monster; he was being cornered.

Only a door with a symbol he didn't understand, too simple to hold any significance.

A symbol with a humanoid figure and a strange trapeze on her wrist. Any human without thinking could recognize the place: the women's bathroom.

He entered the place, confused and scared. It was a small space. He ran to the end of the hall, searching for any type of exit. But the windows were too small. The bear ripped the door open, its head pointed towards Clem's chest.

One of the broken pieces of the door flew toward a nearby lever, hitting it and releasing the water.

Clem saw that and aimed at the pipeline. A powerful plasma blast hit the pipeline, raining water on the bear.

The bear roared again in pain, its torso producing a lot of steam, temporarily blinding everyone present in a giant smoke.

Something appears behind the bear.

"Ey, dipshit!" Chump shouted, his voice brimming with confidence. "Eat this! UUrgghhhaaa!" A clunking sound hit the ground amidst the smoke.

The bear, blinded, instinctively slashed at the flying object, feeling the unfamiliar item hurled at it.

As the smoke cleared, the bear roared in agitation and trembled. Its pain was audible.

Part of its arm and part of its torso were covered in ice; its entire torso had solidified, and its face was slowly melting down.

Chump stomped an end of a nearby metal pipe, propelling it upwards, took it on the fly, and swung it at the mole bear.

"Eat this!"


One swing tore the bear into two pieces as it roared in pain and its fluids solidified.

The light left its body. The magma mole bear was dead.


So...This is the first hint of why i decided to make a different magic system.

Do you wonder why they were slow, aint it?


Clyonorcreators' thoughts
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