
Carolyn's engagement___2.

The empress sighed tiredly. Obviously she had a goal in mind that she had been hoping would be accomplished but Scarlet had no idea how it was related to them. 

"Were you hoping to purchase the new mineral rights of the rare minerals from them?" Esong asked her. 

She nodded. "I surely thought meeting Scarlet would excite them then I could slip in and seal the deal. Look at all the other nobles in the room dying to sniff her."

Scarlet made a face because she definitely didn't want any nobles sniffing her. That was just too weird, no creepy, she thought. 

"I don't mean literal sniffing dear, you don't have to make such a face." The empress told her. 

Scarlet's smile returned, a less honest one this time round since she was forcing herself to smile. 

"Okay, maybe don't smile." The empress told her. 

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