
Talking is a must.

Frost was teleporting through Nordem carefreely in search of the shard of strife. He was taking his time searching through the mountains where the boy whose image Scarlet was shared was last seen, according to a soul he reaped a day ago. 

Norden was no longer dark, red was the color of it's skies now. A suffocating red filled with heat that was suffocating the humans to death. This meant more souls to reap and the multiplication of soul eaters and evil souls. 

Frost hated Nordem and he wanted the mission over with as fast as possible. The world had come to disgust him and if it was up to him, the entire world would be ended in one big explosion. If it wasn't for the souls, the gods would probably end it that way too. 

He came to the edge of a cliff and stood still. His eyes looked up at the red sky and he sighed. 

Next chapter