
Chapter 212 : Shocked!

Whitebeard Pirates!

"It's beyond belief…"

Whitebeard gazed up at the unfolding spectacle in the sky.

Even his mighty brows furrowed involuntarily...

As a Yonko, as a man of immense strength, he couldn't help but recognize Bullet's staggering power!

That level of might was enough to reign supreme over the seas, placing him among the ranks of the Four Emperors!

Having faced Roger in battle, Whitebeard knew well that Bullet, as one of the few who could contend with the Pirate King, possessed unparalleled talent and prowess!

Conqueror's Haki, Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and a formidable Devil Fruit!

In every aspect...

Bullet had honed himself to perfection!

Undoubtedly, he was a force to be reckoned with.

In terms of sheer combat prowess and overwhelming presence, he surpassed all of Luffy's previous enemies!

Moria, Enel, Doflamingo—none could hold a candle to Bullet!

Yet, despite his formidable might, he had been defeated by Luffy!?

This revelation left Whitebeard deeply astonished!

Had Ace's younger brother truly ascended to such heights of strength?

The Red-Haired Pirates!

A wine glass clattered to the floor in this moment of disbelief.

The entirety of the Red-Haired Pirates fell silent, their gazes fixed in stunned disbelief. Luffy's victory over Bullet had shaken them to their core.

None understood Bullet better than these Red-Haired Pirates, not even Whitebeard himself!

Shanks had once sailed as a cabin boy with the Roger Pirates.

His camaraderie with Bullet allowed them to grasp the true extent of his monstrous abilities!

To put it bluntly, even Shanks, who had risen through the ranks over many years to become one of the Four Emperors, harbored uncertainties when facing a juggernaut like Bullet!

Indeed, they couldn't guarantee a victory against such a powerhouse.

Yet, Luffy had achieved what they could not—a feat thought impossible!

Though Luffy had the aid of numerous allies on that battlefield—

Nearly ten Supernovas, the Warlords like Law and Hancock, and even elements of the Navy—

It was through their combined efforts that Bullet had been vanquished. Without them, perhaps Luffy wouldn't have stood a chance.

But such details mattered little now. None could dispute Bullet's defeat.

The primary catalyst behind it all… was Luffy!

This development was enough to astound Shanks and the entire world of the seas!!!

Marine Headquarters!

"Is this some sort of hoax?"

Akainu stood dumbfounded. As a high-ranking officer, he understood Bullet's formidable strength. He couldn't fathom anyone defeating such a terrifying adversary.

Logically, even if Luffy could best Kaido, tackling Bullet seemed implausible.

But now, the reality unfolded before Akainu's eyes, leaving him utterly dumbfounded!

Even Kizaru and Aokiji, who stood by, shared the same bewildered expression!

Garp and Sengoku weren't faring much better.

They were the ones who initially captured Bullet, the troublemaker at sea, and brought him back to Impel Down City.

No one comprehended the sheer effort they exerted at the outset!

They even resorted to the Demon-Slaying Order to barely subdue this monstrous foe!

Yet here they were, witnessing the unexpected turn of events. Warring States voiced his confusion, "Garp, is your grandson pulling off a stunt?"

Garp mirrored the confusion. "I have no idea!"

Totto Land!

Big Mom's eyes widened like copper bells, an expression of sheer astonishment.

The citizens, ministers, and officials of Totto Land shared similar reactions, their astonishment palpable.

Their expressions were even more animated than before...

They could hardly fathom that the Straw Hat boy had evolved to such an extent!

According to the live broadcast's timeline, he was only recognized as the Fifth Emperor of the Sea!

This was evident from his clash with Bullet not long after he stirred chaos worldwide. His combat prowess far exceeded his previous feats in Totto Land!

Even Katakuri found himself dumbfounded...

But soon, a smile crept onto his face.

"As expected of the one who defeated me, you haven't disappointed!"

"It seems that in the future... I'll be the one chasing after you, Straw Hat!"


The live broadcast concluded, but Kaido remained silent.

His head hung low, his countenance veiled in dark lines. No one could discern his thoughts. For some inexplicable reason, Kaido had a foreboding feeling...

This Luffy guy, causing such mayhem, might even challenge Linlin one day. Perhaps trouble would find him.

Though Kaido was supremely confident in his own might, he deemed it utterly implausible for the Straw Hat boy to defeat him.


After witnessing Bullet's defeat, he fell into a contemplative silence.

Damn, some things transcended common sense!

Beings as formidable as Bullet, whom he himself found troublesome, were vanquished by Luffy. Maybe... he might indeed meet his match.

With this realization, Kaido formulated a plan. Instead of waiting for Luffy to come knocking and humiliating him, it was wiser to deal with him before he fully matured. Hence, he had dispatched his men to eliminate him!

Moreover, even if it resulted in Luffy's demise, no soul in this vast sea would trace it back to him.

Figures like Garp and Long wouldn't even sniff him out. The uncharted seas lay beyond their reach!

Many Shichibukai gazed up at the sky, pondering deeply.

They harbored different thoughts within, their expressions mirroring their inner turmoil.

Moria and Doflamingo harbored a fervent desire for Luffy's demise.

Yet fate had a twist in store, defying their expectations entirely.

Now, in their respective domains, they faced each other, bewildered gazes exchanging disbelief.

Crocodile shrouded himself in caution, witnessing the Straw Hat Boy's staggering growth with wary eyes.

Hawkeye and Kuma, devoid of ulterior motives, could only stand in awe of Luffy's burgeoning prowess.

Jinbe, naturally, brimmed with joy. "Truly befitting of my future captain. Your prowess astounds me, hahaha."

However, among the Shichibukai, it was Hancock whose reaction stood out as peculiar.

A peculiar sentiment stirred within her as she observed Luffy's triumph, a feeling inexplicably tied to him.

Strange as it was, this newfound emotion swelled within her. Though unfamiliar with Luffy, she found herself oddly elated by his victory. Yet, she understood that unraveling this enigma would require patience and further observation.

In Orange Town...

"By the heavens!"

"This lad defeated Bullet?!"

"How could such a behemoth fall to another after Captain Roger?"

"Is this some jest?..."

Buggy's reaction was the most pronounced.

He leapt from his spot, nearly toppling the roof in his disbelief.

Much like Shanks, he recognized Bullet's monstrous might, viewing him as formidable as any Yonko.

Yet now... to be bested by Luffy!!!

Buggy stood there, utterly stupefied, his mind struggling to grasp the reality before him.


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