A bright light shone inside a room as Navina opened her eyes to see where she had appeared into. It looked quite different than she remembered, abit changes here and there but she could still call it the same.
The room's door opened and an identical person to Navina walked in, they both starred at each other, the later looking at Navina closely.
She had expected her visit. But not so soon.
"Navina?" She called. Her voice sounding exactly as Navina's and yet holding a glint of welcoming, Navina didn't expect that.
"What brings you here sister?" The identical asked. Noticing her sister's strictness towards her friendliness.
The two were identical sisters but people who had stayed with them for a long time knew what the difference was.
Korinne lips curved up in mockery,
"Why do you stare at me like that?" Her voice changing in pitch to its original. Harsh and wicked.
Yet, Navina Said nothing. Making her sister talk again, this time a roll of her eyes accompanying her words.
"It's been more than a decade I set my eyes on you, now you appear in my room and stare at me with no words?"
She let out a quick breath as she dropped the books in her hand on the table.
"I suggest you leave then. I've got more important things to starre at." Korinne added and turned to her door ready to leave.
"You cut your hair." Navina finally said bringing her sister to a halt.
'Don't tell me that's why you Starred at me like ..' Korinne thought and huffed silently before turning.
Navina's eyes washed over her sisters body countless of times. She slowly brought her eyes back to her sister's.
"Wh.y?" Her delicate voice came again. "Why did you cut your hair?"
Korinne wore an expressionless face and gave out a loud mocking laughter as if a comedy was said by her sister. Her loveless eyes starring deeply into her sister's delicate orbs as she laughed again and scoffed.
"Why?!" She asked back. "Don't tell me you're finally worried? I mean, shouldn't you be happy? No one will ever call me Navina anymore. "
"I should be worried Korinne." Navina's eyes clouded with thick tears.
What has her sister done.
What has she..
"Korinne, you broke the oath. It shouldn't be something less heard of. Tell me!" She demanded taking a step closer. "Why is your hair different from mine?"
Korinne was quiet for a minute, she looked from her desk to her sister, a smile was formed making Navina impatient.
"I'm busy." Korinne answered instead, baffling Navina.
"I have better things to do, haven't I said that!"
"What do you want?" She cut in sharply. "Don't get me wrong sister but you only show yourself to me when you need something.. desperately. "
Navina's face paled. Not about not showing up but the part 'desperately'.
"Ohh." Korinne smiled again.
"You thought I didn't know? Or u wouldn't find out? .. or maybe what the others think too, that I'm dumb?.. Korinne is dumb and Navina is brighter- ohh well sister, is it not it?"
"Korinne, sister-" Navina tried to explain.
"Go ahead, speak! Request!... I won't say no, anyway."
Silence engulfed the two.
"You got all wrong sister," Navina started.
"I've always cared and worried about you."
"I know." Korinne sighed and sat down on a stool as she waited for her sister's usual requests.
"You always show worry. And it always makes the evil one. So, who are we actually worried about this time." She asked and folded her arms.
Navina sighed. "I had a question. I just need to ask-" She paused. Looking to her sister's direction. They still resembled, although she later had her cut.
Korinne was like Navina. Having pure black hair, but now things had changed. Her faced were the same but their hairs were the outlays.
Navina's hair still reached her buttocks but Korinne's length was her neck.
"If a rat dies. He recarnates ... and becomes what?"
"A cat" Korinne stated the obvious.
"And then he dies again, if it returns it should ba a?"
"Nature changes. Only then it will be a bigger animal. Fate gives different lives and chances to every living thing."
"But only the blessed to remember." She added.
Navina sighed and nodded. It was what she was sure of, asking her sister was just to know if there can be a loophole.
"Is that what you wanted to ask?" Korinne arched a brow.
"Yes." Navina answered and hee sister immediately grinned, lopsided one. She knew her sister well, too well.
"All of a sudden, you're asking for something you already know of? Was this all a setup to come as as a spy or are you trying to Crack a nutshell case like I am?" Korinne softly asked.
"I only forgot the teaching." Navina lied and smiled. "Anyways. Thank you."
Korinne nodded and looked away.. "Do you still stay with Zackon?"
Navina brought her eyes to her sister. Unsure of what her answer should be.
"I guess you still do. Your quietness is your yes."
Korinne smiled halfly at her, " He was going to meet with me but something stopped him. I'm suddenly thirsty to know what that was."
Navina's heart raced softly,
"Maybe he had change of plans?.."
"Or he didn't want me to find out about something." Korinne said and Navina eyed her closely.
It was true people called her sister dumb, but she wasn't half dumb. She chose to make people believe she incapable of having a bubbling mindset. In actual sense, Korinne was thinker, a brain stomer. Not just that but also an ability ancient witches possessed, the ability to read minds.
"Tch," Korinne smiled.
"Even so. I will still find out about everything, anything he's hiding. I always do." She looked at Navina.
"You should thank me for my ability, I always told you when he found that slut."
Navina avoided her eyes.
"Let's see..." korinne sighed while thinking. " I've been well. No attacks on my cottage or assaults on my way home." She smiled widely.
"I'm feared and I know you've heard of me."
"You're not so popular." Navina pretended.
"I'm not?" Korinne acted shocked. "Well now. Should I kill more women. Men? Children? Maybe burn some villages again..." She said and looked at her sister who was loosing her appearance, she frowned, hard.
"What joy does it give you?"
Korinne shrugged, "I don't know. Try it and tell me the joy." She said, smiled and laughed hard while Navina clenched her fits.
"Korinne! It's living people you slaughter. Children included. Why? Because you want power? More fear from them?!"
"I wouldn't say it like that. Most of them were annoying. I cleared the air a little. Besides they were going to die soon."
Navina couldn't believe her ears.
"Tell me sister. What gives you joy to pretend?"
"Pretend?!" Navina arched abrow with her flared up face.
"Oh yes, pretend that you're not like me. When in real sense, you're worse!" She laughed.
"Your plans.. what ever you do... it always involves human lives.. have a heart Korinne!"
"Have a brain Navina!" Korinne yelled back.
"You've been holding onto a man that will never see you as his woman or a lover and yet.. you could have kings, Alphalords and freaking rich men at your feet. But no. It's always going to be Zackon."
"Who said that life is happiness? But when I'm with Roshan, I'm always happy."
"Are you? Cause very soon you'd have to kill his other half again.." She smiled. " And, happy? Roshan?" She had a smug smile.
"His new names always makes a woman hard but you can never be his. Never. Too bad for your great mind of names, sis."
Navina closed her eyes and breathed out. "Stop."
Korinne stared at her.
"Stop all of it this time. It's no use! You already have everything so why. Why! Why! Are you making others weap?"
"I have no reason to answer to you. " Korinne said softly and Navina felt a slight pain inside her.
"Not anymore." Korinne completed her words.
She then stood and walked to Her door, she paused softly as she held the knob.
"Nome said its never possible for a peacock to become a rat.." with that, she left.
Navina's lips parted slowly as her mind drifted back and forth.
Why did her sister say such?..
All this....
Did Korinne already feel her??
What did she mean?
Did she mean that thar woman Rosahn talked about was...
It cannot be..
But what other way could the words mean?
And why?!!
Just why did she come now and in tat useless form ofa werewolf!
Navina breathed hard as many thoughts ran through her mind.
She frowned hard.
She has to be removed before gets Intrigued more.
It didn't matter if she was just a phase or the real thing.
sorry for my absence.
alot has happened to me so far.
but I'm glad to say I'm back.
love you all.