
A True Alpha Cooks

Seraphyne and Zephyir sat together, their faces reflecting calculations and a sense of urgency.

"So what's the plan?" Seraphyne asked Zephyir as they tried to write the preparations they needed to build a base.

"We need to go through a lot of preparations!"

They knew that in order to survive the coming of the world's destructive apocalypse, they needed a sturdy and self-sufficient base that could house everything needed for survival. With pen in hand, they began brainstorming and jotting down their thoughts.

"We need manpower the most!"

"But where can we recruit people in this fallen city? Do you think there are still survivors?"

"If we can slowly work on the basic structures needed in a base, we can also help Kieiran and the others to migrate here slowly."

"I'll list down things we need for the base..."

"Let's start with the location of the base."

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