
Da Xian Special Chapter 33: The Eight Morals

At the cafeteria, Li Xan had never thought that Ping Hu would defend him, a person who had tried to hurt the boy before. Moreover, the boy fully threw himself into this fight, making him feel guilty for hurting Ping Hu before.

"The first moral of the Eight Morals is gratitude. Gratitude means the quality of being thankful—readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. There are four subtypes. Do not disgrace the helper. Help the helper when they need it. Pay the helper back in kind and sincerely. The last one is to agree with them and not to get angry when the helper tries to teach you. You are students. You should do this to your teachers, right? Thus, you cannot say that it doesn't have something to do with the teachers," said Ping Hu.

"That...." No one could argue because they respected their masters, who’d taught them until their martial arts abilities were as strong as they were today.

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