A luxurious car came to pick up a boy from a game cafe. The boy was Agito. It was not only Agito at the front of the cafe now. Gong Xun Bao was waving goodbye to Agito as well.
"I'll have my people find the equipment. They will be ready tonight, and we'll bring them to school tomorrow evening," said Agito.
"Amazing. This time we'll prank him until his hair falls off and he looks like a Buddhist monk," said Gong Xun Bao.
"Hm, get home safe." Agito got into the car immediately after he said that. Gong Xun Bao walked home, which was not far away.
Agito's family mansion
"Welcome home, Young Master," the scary men shouted loudly. Some of them had scars on their faces. Some of them had lost one of their eyes. After Agito got out of the car, they arranged themselves into lines and bowed to pay respects to Agito together.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: