
The basketball game at Bifrost School Part I

The next morning, Bai Zhe took a shower and prepared to go to school. He saw his parents watching the news. It was about the death of the king of actors, Qi Wen. The person who had found his body was the maid that Qi Wen had hired to clean his house and wake him every day. Qi Wen did not have a family or relatives, so his friends in the industry helped each other to arrange his funeral.

What could not help but surprise Bai Zhe was Nia Fong was the person who received Qi Wen's inheritance. The lawyer announced that Qi Wen had just made a will just one day before his death. It made him think that Qi Wen might have realised that he was running out of time, so he had done that. However, he did not understand why Qi Wen gave all of his fortune to Nia Fong.

'Scout team.' Bai Zhe sent qi to the Scout team that was the closest to him.

'Yes, sir. Please give your orders,' said the Scout team.

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