

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see another firefighter,

"Excuse me, Sir, but you shouldn't do this here. It's useless since there's no living person in there."

Raymond turned slowly, causing the firefighters to back away.

"What did you say?"

"I said there's no living human in there. We didn't find any dead person in there—"

"So you guys are sure no one died from the fire?!" Raymond interjected.

"Well...for now, I can say yes but we will conduct a more intensive search when the fire completely dies down. All of the wounded have been accompanied to the hospital some minutes ago so you can check if your wife is there," the firefighter informed.

"Which hospital?"

"Lucian Rays ER has some accident victims in so some of the patients were rejected and sent to Lucas Feliz hospitals. You can give your wife's information to my colleague over there to help you check which hospital she was sent to."

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