
Ice Cream 1

"Well, I didn't expect much. But I still have to explain why I finished late to Miss Reporter," Ethan retorted. As Shikera opened her mouth to respond, he stuffed a handful of cabbage into her mouth and smiled, "It would do you good to eat now before the food gets cold."

"Alright, I heard you," Shikera replied, her words coming out in a muffled and inaudible tone.

Her eyes swept over the plates on the table as she wondered which of them to eat next, an excited glint in her eyes.

"Just start from the one nearest to you if you can't decide," Ethan whispered, noticing her struggle.

"I will do just that," Shikera agreed enthusiastically. However, she had just dug her spoon into the plate when a wave of nausea hit her.

'But it's late afternoon already. This isn't supposed to be happening,' she thought. Swallowing, she raised up the bowl of hot soup and gulped it down, thinking her digestive nerves would be calmed down. But the opposite happened.

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