
Getting A Phone.

"We—we can't find her. She only left a message for you, through Miss McCallum and that is...'i signed the divorce papers'."

Ethan raised his brows, staring at Ruthlyn like she was speaking a completely different language from the one he was familiar with.

"What are you saying?" he asked gently, the calmness in his voice scaring the others in the living room.

Ruthlyn inhaled deeply, summoning up courage to rephrase her words.

"I met Miss McCallum yesterday...and she told me Shikera only met her briefly before leaving. She asked her to visit me and tell me—"

"Tell you what?" Ethan interrupted.

'There,' Ruthlyn thought, 'It's getting to him.'

She continued,"She wanted me to tell you that she signed the divorce papers and that she placed them in the top drawer of her bedside table."

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