
Break Up With Raymond.

"Why did you tell her you'll call her? You should have told her your answer at once," Cyprian stated.

"Obviously because I wanted to think about it," Shikera replied, her voice without an hint of emotions.

"What's there to think about? I have an apartment of my own which we can share so there's no reason to go to someone else."

"Did you break up with Raymond?"

Cyprian frowned, wondering where the question had come from. She was sure they had just been talking about apartments just now, so why the switch to relationship matters. With an absurd question at that.

"Why will I break up with him? I didn't," she replied.

"That's it. As long as you are still together with Raymond, I will still have to get involved with them if I live with you."


Shikera shrugged."That's just an excuse. I would not live with you even if you break up with Raymond right here and now."


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