

"None of my business, Shikera? You can't just take impromptu decisions without informing people that are supposed to know!"

Shikera scoffed disbelievingly, "And why do you think you are qualified to know?!"

For a moment, Team leader Zuresh felt like she was talking to a different person. She took Shikera's hand and turned it over to examine her palm, before nodding confidently.

"It's really you, Shikera," she whispered. When she checked Shikera's palm just now, she saw how pale and almost transparent it was, just like how Shikera's lips and eyeballs always were on most days. It was kind of like a part of the symptoms of her sickness.

"Yes, it's me. I would not give up my name too!"

The older woman was confused at that, and she didn't bother to hide how confused she was.

"I don't understand what's going on with you right now, Shikera. But I know that I'm someone you can talk to if something is really wrong somewhere," she stated.

Next chapter