
Contraceptive Pills.

"I did see him...I mean both of them and they were walking together," the cashier replied.

"Did they leave yet?"

"No, they took one of our private rooms. May I know why you are asking about them though?"

"I have to meet them. Can you lead me to the room they are in?"

Immediately Shikera asked that, she noticed the reluctant smile that started to form on the cashier's face.

"That is uh...kinda impossible for me to do. Don't get me wrong! As much as I, as a loyal fan of your show, would like to help you, I don't think I can do much in this case," the teenager said. She looked around the parlor and then leaned over the desk to draw nearer to Shikera.

"The man, the middle aged man, I recognize him! And you won't believe me if I say he is Liam Anderson, the chairman of Anderson Corporation—"

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