
Breaking Up or Breaking Down.

"Out of my office!"

A startled Raymond looked up when he heard Ethan's firm command.

"What? Do you need me to get—"

Ethan cut him off, shaking his head in sympathy for Raymond.

"What can you get for me in this state? You look like someone who isn't even sure of how he's going to survive the next day. A hopeless person," Ethan taunted, not bothering to hold himself back.

He continued,"Did that woman not advise you at all yesterday? And you also followed her yesterday so why are you still grumpy?"

Raymond sighed heavily.

"I did, but she was meeting her brothers for lunch so she picked them up before I could meet her. Her brothers are terrifying so..." he trailed off, leaving Ethan to guess the remainder of his sentence.

"You are a coward, Ray. You should have approached them and act like a man," Ethan reprimanded.

"Act like a man and fight them?"

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