

Shikera's hands automatically wrapped around herself as she felt the gust of the cold wind blow against her exposed body, but the warmth of Ethan's overcoat which was suddenly draped over her made her hands change positions to wrap around his back.

All this was done without breaking the passionate kiss which was gradually escalating into another level as Ethan's hands travelled across her body. Slowly, he guided her inside the house and locked the door when they were both inside.

Pressing her back against the door, his hand flew across his chest and within a minute, his shirt had been unbuttoned and Shikera could only watch as he threw the innocent cloth on the sofa. Elated that Ethan seemed to understand her wish without having her speak out, Shikera didn't hesitate to run her hands from his neck downwards and when she was about to get to those abs she had been wanting to run her hands over for some time now...

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